Bitter things have a sweet after-taste
I dunno how true my title is, especially where food is concerned, but experience-wise I think its true. Life has a way of throwing you your share of misery in the weirdest shapes and forms, and well, it hurts of course. But then, you recover, you muster enough faith, you snap out of this bout of self-pity, and then something miraculously happens to change your fate for the better, if not to the best you can imagine.
My day today was something like that. Maybe I made it a bit too grandiose-sounding, but yeah well it was somehting like that. Felt sad for a bit cos I couldn't drive the car, I know this sounds extremely TRIVIAL but well its alot more complicated that that. See, I had promised to fetch my mum from work, cos she's working at ULU Changi, and I had to get permission from my Aunt to drive the car. My aunt lives really nearby by the way and her car's like the family car, shared by the drivers in my family; her and her son (my cousin) and now, yours truly has joined the list, after I got my licence. Well so I had my hopes up high, cos I was excited at the prospect of driving ALL the way to Changi in that new car (yeah its a new car) but my excitement had more to do with the joy of being able to fetch my mum from work. Being the lady who has toiled for everyday of my life (ok minus public holidays AND weekends, BUT STILL, SHEESH), she obviously deserves the very best. And I was sad cos I thought I couldn't get to use the car even after promising to fetch her, cos my aunt said my cousin may need it for his alumni band stuff. Anyway, to cut things short, I got to use the car cos apparently my cousin didn't need it after all, but not without my aunt and grandma hyperventilating in anxiety throughout the WHOLE trip. hahahaha. Such little faith in my driving, tsk tsk. In fact the moment I reached home, my grandma practically WOOSHED out a sigh of relief (the way dragons do). Hahahah. Hilarious! But still! Hey I passed for a reason right!
Anyhow, this is my SECOND entry for today, if you haven't already noticed. Its a wonder how I suddenly find so much time and need to blog when my exams are urm 2 days away, yeah on FRIDAY 9 AM SUMMORE! OH OH OH, here are the comments of my trusty driving "coach" on MSN, who was next to me when I drove just now.
and i will, only because I believe. says:
was my driving reali ok?
bonjour...le nom est kai says:
ur driving was superb
bonjour...le nom est kai says:
i'm very proud of u
bonjour...le nom est kai says:
keep up the good work my dear
I should show THAT to my grandma.