Saturday, December 26, 2009
Speaking of which, where is my other jigsaw piece??
Thursday, May 21, 2009

Wednesday, April 8, 2009
kyra says:
i do hope that u will be able to change ur midset soon
kyra says:
n appreciate the love n beauty of ur life, n restore ur faith in Allah
kyra says:
honestly bcos there will be a rainbow after the rain
kyra says:
even tho now its a thunderstorm+ typhoon+ tornado +tsunami
kyra says:
the sun will come out once again
kyra says:
but u gotta stop staying underneath ur broken umbrella
kyra says:
n look out for the Sun
kyra says:
ok that sounds funny actually
kyra says:
oye cool not my philosophy
yeah yeah cool
HAHAHA, original philisophy yo.
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Friday, March 6, 2009
Honestly, because many MBA students had no business or economics background prior to their MBA studies, and many MBA programmes (especially the executive types), are based on the very same curriculum that BBA undergrads take for twice as long (4 years)! So you tell me, why shouldn't BBA graduates be considered on par, if not better than some MBA graduates?
I shall strive for the best, Inshaallah! =)

Sushi on the conveyor belt. We were just piling them onto our table. 99 cents mah!

In addition to the whole sushi spread, we also had ramen! Thanks to the wonderful 50% off every ramen dish (we had 2 coupons lah!), we basically had a buy-one-get-one-free deal! We felt like ultimate super contented and bloated kiasu Singaporeans after that, nvm the whole Jap cuisine. ;D
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Oh another random observation. In the past, when you see someone muttering ro talking to himself, we'd clearly suspect he's suffering from some mental illness. These days though, you can never be too sure. You gotta watch out for the bluetooth earpiece, in built ear canal earpiece and such BEFORE jumping to that conclusion. Its hilarious how technology has progressed to the extent that it redefines our thoughts, thinking process and perceptions. Just the other day, my family were at Sheng Siong. My grandma and I being the two who had injured feet, stayed in the car. Then, this guy driving this huge lorry parked next to us. He came out and was chattering out loud. Wanting to give his sanity the benefit of the doubt, I naturally peered to the left side of the lorry to look at who he was talking to. After a while, it became apparent that there was no one else in the lorry with him. My grandma was unusually silent at that point. Knowing her, I clarified, "Grandma, please don't think he's mad, he has this bluetooth piece attached to his left ear." She was greatly relieved, and went "OHHHHH... I really thought he was crazy!" HAHAHA, she's so adorable!
Okay, back to work now. Take good care kids! OH YES! I got into the YWLC mentorship program I was talking about. Alhamdulillah, its such an honour to be part of this noble network that's filled with 29 other brilliant young ladies. Looking forward to meaningful friendships, contributions and bonds, Inshaallah! Women power! ;)
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Hop on, albeit the fractured right foot
In an unfortunate twist of fate, I am now the (not so proud) owner of a fractured right foot. How on earth did that happen?? Well, see, two people conspired to have a surprise meet-up at East Coast last Saturday (24th Jan), one of these master-minds is the one who's back from Down-Under for his tem break. OF course I was delighted to see him, but strangely enough, when its just us 3, luck takes a turn for the worse and inflicts its fury on innocent me. Mind you, this isn't the first time that bad luck hits me when we're togther. The first time was during our very first meet-up at Kallang Leisure Park where I lost BOTH my wallet and handphone. Could be my pure negligence, but I dunno, having fractured my foot on the second occasion is enough an unfortunate occurence to ring some warning bells in my head. The next time I see both of them together, I will make a 180 degrees turn, and RUN. I SWEAR. Haha, ok so now for the specifics of the incident.
We were at the breakwater rocks (my cousin keeps making a joke out of this, "Its Breakwater, Not Breaklake (pun on 'Break-leg'), and we were all fine and dandy, except when we were climbing down, and perhaps you could blame it on my ideal choice of footwear ( I was in 2.5 inches high wedges, but atleast its wedges and not heels, right?!) Wrong. I had my left foot firm on the ground when my right one suddenly lost balance and twisted and hit the side of it. I thought it was JUST a sprain, what with Kai and Riyaz re-assuring me that it will be "ALL ok by tomorrow", and even had to endure the massage from Kai, my grandma and this indonesian neighbour of ours, thinking 'no pain, no gain'.
My mum being the under-rated genius that she really is, insisted that I go for an X-ray, cos apparently all that massage had caused it to swell so much more, (it was starting to resemble a baby elephant's foot) and lo and behold, there is a 'hairline crack at the side of my right foot, aligned to where my baby toe is.. So now, I am in a cast, nagging-a-blogging here, and feeling a tad lousy and useless cos I can't help my grandma n mum out with all that housework, and worse still have to depend on them quite a bit when I go to the toilet etc. Ma's been such an angel, as she always is, bringing food to me, asking ppl over to cheer me up and holding me so tight everytime I do those 'hopping tricks' that involve 1) getting my left foot out of my bed room slipper and 2) into the toilet rubber slipper, 3) getting into the toilet and 4) doing my business, all on crutches.
The silver lining to this whole episode will have to be that it has been an eye-opener, when I think of the pain my elderly grandparents have and had to go through especially when their limbs and feet get sore, it pains my heart, cos it really can be unbearable and I can only but imagine the fate of those civillians whose lives turn topsy-turvy in just one night when they lose their limbs in a war, or soldiers who suddenly wake up finding their legs or arms missing. My heart goes out to every single one of them, cos even with JUST a fractured right foot, I know what it means to feel useless, to feel awfully guilty for having to trouble my loved ones, and for having all your plans go down the drain in a matter of minutes. But I thank you Allah, cos it could have been worse, and thanks for giving me people I can depend on even in such dire times. I'm sorry I blamed you in those first few days, please forgive me and give me the strength to take the lessons from this experience and putting it to good use, Amin.
There, one blogging experience, and I feel a whole lot better. Those who have read this, please do take care of yourselves too. See you guys soon, in 2 wks time, Inshaallah! :)
Big question is: Should I go for lessons in crutches or just skip? Hmmm..
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Kai's still not here, Grrr.