ARGH! I am so irritated! So, Kris Allen won after all. America, WHAT HAPPENED?! But I wouldn't say I'm all that shocked or surprised, in competitions where votes decide who wins or who gets booted, you're bound to have such unfair results. That's alright, we all know how successful Adam will be anyway. I am buying his first album, and obviously boycotting Allen's. Haha!! You know whats so sad! I woke up at 8am contemplating on whether or not to walk over to my aunt's place (which is a few block away) to catch American Idol, before deciding (with a heavy heart to just doze back to sleep) and catch teh later episode. And now, I just realised Channel 5 aired it at 8am as well!?! How sad is that! Ok, nvm, it doesnt matter, I'm gg to catch either the 6pm one on star world or the 10pm one on channel 5.
Here's a picture of my Idol.. :)

Anyway, I got an Internship at PSA! :D I'll be starting tomorrow, and end on the 7th of August. But here's the catch, its an Accounting internship! Initially I was told it was a Finance internship, so I was mentally preparing myself, trying hard to remember all the finance terms we went thru during FNA2004 but now I realise its an acctg one. But they seem ready to train me, so I'm open to the idea myself. :) Its ok to learn anyway. Working hours are 830am-630pm from mondays to thursdays and 830am-530pm on Fridays. I am excited, and the most important thing is to go with an open mind and learn as much as I can.
Ok, gtg now, will update soon!