Its been some time. For those who are wondering (if you're still amazingly tuned in, that is), I havent really been on a hiatus. I have been blogging, just that nowadays, I have reserved most of my entries and saved them as drafts, instead of publishing them. Also because life been an emotional rollercoaster in the past few months. Things are better now, much clearer, and happier(?) even. Hmm, so what's new? Tomorrow I'll be going for Chingay +CityAlive (the street bash after Chingay) from 630pm onwards with the ywlc peeps. I'm slightly behind in my readings, have 2 or maybe 3 mid terms this coming week and I NEED TO DO WELL! (side-note, check out this awesome mix by DJ Andrew, one of the DJs who'll be there tomorrow at the CityAlive party:
Okay, just some food for thought, was wondering whats up with the Anwar's sodomy trial, and did some googling, and here's what's new, if you're wondering.
Some interesting thoughts here:
I particularly like the comments and views by Farish Noor here:
He questions on how despite the wide prevalence of anal and oral sex, Malaysia can be considered to be backdated or 'antiquated' in today's time and age. Personally, I don't think its so much an issue of time and age, as it is of whats real and not. I would believe that anal or oral sex was probably as widely practised as far back in history as we would dare to venture as it is now, of cos I have no evidence, but hey, why the hell should we think otherwise? Wrt Anwar's sodomy trial, what's clear is, to me, its a clear political set-up, and I do hopw that the Malaysians see likewise too. Cos ultimately, the point is, whether or not he's gay/ has strange fetishes/weird by any societal norms, what's important is that will be inconsequential when it comes to leading a country. Yes, I do believe that some will most certainly beg to differ, peraps the idea of having a Gay/bisexual PM say for instance can be discomforting, but hey, why so? Are they more likely to squander off public funds, or less likely to develop their countries on the international front? You would have to agree that being gay/sexuality won't have anything to do with that, no link really. Frankly, if you think about it, of course no one really gives a hoot about what Anwar does behind closed doors, but perhaps the fact that he has in the history of Malaysia been successful enough to at least forge an opposition front to contest the already weakened Barisan Nasional has earned him the alarming attention of his political rivals, and made him yet again, the scapegoat and pawn in yet another strategic attempt to dislodge him. Even if he were to win the trial, and clear his name, what would that mean to the masses? Poor Anwar, I really do think he's been set up.
Other news: US-Tibet talks are according to China, going to severely impact on US-China relations. Personally I don't see what China's problem is. Sure, you're damn important, possibly the world's next hegemon and economic superpower, sure sure, so? Just because you've got problems with your Tibetan neighbour doesnt mean the rest of the world must follow suit. Grow up. Sheesh.