hahaha so funny. what? nothing.
ok i think i may be going mad. I just had a crazy verbal thrashing session from someone, wont say who cos I can't. But I just whined about it on my blog earlier (but saved it as a draft la, cant publish, sigh). I am sad. :(
anyway so funny, i read Kai's blog and, KAI, I know u read this and its funny. I think u should go to sydney btw. Its fun! :) But yeah la guess China wins hands down.
You know sometimes, the thing about ex-es is that because you know them so well, its easy to relate to their emotions, words and actions ( like u ask urself, now why does all this sound so familiar). I dunno if I make any sense right now, (blame the lack of sleep and post-verbal thrashing session), but I think knowing someone so well has its ups and downs.
1) u can tell if they're genuine
2) u start psycho-analysing their actions n words, n sometimes wonder why they're the way they are
3) it helps in rltns
4) u dont just hear what they say, u hear the unsaid as well
1) u cant help but miss them on a more frequent (than necessary) basis
2) ur more emotionally vulnerable to their actions n words
3) sometimes u may be wrong. u may think u know them very well, and then start suffering from tunnel vision.
Ok i am hungry and I want the BIG SUBWAY sandwich in australia-some seafood delight thing.
PS: sometimes i wish i was a housewife living in italy with my own strawberry farm and chickens and sheep (though they stink).
PPS: Yes, this has got to be the most unstructured, messed- up entry there is in my blog and that's saying somehting. I just proved Mr Pang, history teacher from JC right. bleargh. somebody save me.