Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Tentative flight to Brunei if all goes well, Insha Allah.

Something strange - for the past 2 years or so, I've been spending my birthdays overseas (not quite out of plan), but as a matter of coincidence (last year in Nepal, and this year in Bali). If all goes well, this may be the case next year too - in Brunei, Insha Allah (as requested by my mother). :)

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

My Open Prayer

My Open Prayer

Dear Allah,

I find that my life is reaching a point where I am very thankful for everything You have blessed me with. It;s a point where I've come to realize that everything I have ever been granted - comes with mercy and endless compassion from You, even when I may not (up till that point) be deserving of Your mercy. Thank you my Lord.

Recently, after I returned to Singapore after working in Japan for 3 months (from Sept - Dec 8th 2012), I've been 'pressured' by my mum, grandmother and grandauntie to get to know a couple of bachelors. They have the best of intentions for me, of course. Who would want their beloved daughter, granddaughter or grandniece to be single all her life? Over the past months or even over the past year, as I have come to learn more about Islam, to read the views of many leading and influential writers on Islam - one of my favourites is Yasmin Mogahed. I have learnt especially through her - in her exact words - that everything in this Life albeit temporary is, a means to achieve what is sustainable, and to fulfil the true purpose of our lives. To me - as is probably true for most of us -  the question of what I would like to achieve with my life, what its purpose is, has always plagued me, like a haunting shadow that keeps egging me to find out, never resting. There was this endless need to search deeper. I believe I now have the answer, Thanks to You my Lord for guiding me to all these amazing reads, for moving my heart to sign up for the Fardhu Ain' class under Ustaz Zhulkiflee in Kembangan, for motivating and planting a desire in me to keep reading more about Islam, as written by these amazing inspirational writers (like Yasmin Mogahed). This has given me that answer - that my life is for You. To realize that Your true love is eternal, and that everything else is but a means to reach You, our Creator, for You know best my Lord.

Just like how every living thing (plant, animal or micro-organism) has its purpose or function, likewise, ours is to Serve You. To remember and find our ways back to you, in remembrance, in worship is to find peace. Thank You Allah. Please keep guiding me. My journey in remembrance and faith has only just started, so much more to be done - to better myself as a Muslim, and I have many dreams in this regard, those only You know of, and those only You're aware of whether I'm well suited to take up, in achieving. I just pray that I will be given the wisdom and strength to add value to those around me, for the right intentions, to inspire others to find the right path too. Only You can guide me and keep me on the right path in a way that is best suited to my abilities and worth - so please allow me to achieve that, Amin.

Even weddings and marriages are determined by You. So if it is within my destiny as deemed best by You - that I should be married, I pray that you will guide me to someone who shares the same faith, who can love me for You, and vice versa, and with whom we can continue touching more lives, for Your sake, Amin. Let my wishes come true, please. Free my heart from ill-intentions, cowardice, or egoism. Guide me with Your wisdom, love, patience and compassion - to be a good daughter, a committed and disciplined Muslim and a passionate motivator - Amin.

Your ever indebted and grateful Muslimin,