Of roti and gummies; pig shaped gummies no less.
OMG, pavarotti is dead. I'm so sad! He's one of those few ppl whose names I can make fun of (Think bread in malay), and one of the few ppl whose wax replica I've taken a photo with, at Madame Tussaud's. And for me, an opera dummy (whose idea of an opera cannot extend beyond 'Phantom and the Opera') to actually know his name and his achievements must really speak of how great an operetta he was. He died of pancreatic cancer btw, after a year long battle. Well, like my grandfather so eloquently puts it, "There is no difference between the lavatory and the cemetery, when you've got to go, you've got to go". May his soul rest in peace. Have you noticed this sad trend though? That, a myriad of titles, recognition awards and prestigious gifts are only awarded when such marvelously brilliant, talented, accomplished individuals die or are near death? In fact this is largely the case for nearly every accomplished individual and if theres some consolation for thoe who give these awards when these people are NEAR death, there is no consolation whatsoever,for those who choose to are give it out AFTER they've passed on. Its really sad. Like how the Italian government had earlier this week honored him with an award for "excellence in Italian culture," and La Scala and Modena's theater announced a joint Luciano Pavarotti award. (I copy and pasted that from yahoo)
You see, why acknowledge someone's contributions after he's gone? Why not while the person is still around and alive and may then truly appreciate the recognition. Perhaps, its just a way of ensuring that this really accomplished person (no matter who he/she is) won't get too big headed and forget himself should there be endless appreciation and recognition in the form of these awards and ceremonies. Or maybe, the idea of someone being dead justifies the act of recognition by a whole lot more, making it more deeply imbued with sincerity and gratitude, for now that this person is really no longer there, its easier to feel heart-felt gratitude that is hard to distinguish from the sadness and sympathy that one feels at his passing. But wouldn't it be a great deal better if we can let the person know that his efforts are not in vain and that they are highly appreciated while he is still alive? After all, it is to him/her that we ought to be thankful and not just to show the rest of the world how thankful we are.
Anyhow, I skipped my stats lecture today, which is BAD ATTITUDE, KHAIRAH. So yeah, I didn't leave home at all. I didn't even go for the Exchange talks. Ahh, nevermind I'll just fix an appointment with one of those ppl in charge of exchange programs and ask her all that I want. I tried studying a bit but sad to say, it remained an attempt. Whilst "studying", I noticed a great number of things
1) that the ants that have been hanging out around my table are really from the kitchen, and I saw this hugeeee crazy long trail of them, and I killed all of them. Evil, i know. It really felt like an extermination.
2) I also noticed that I get distracted WAYyy too easily.
3) That Aerobics never leaves my mind. I have sent out gazilion sms-es (Oh dear lord, I'm so afraid for my bill) to so many aerobics ppl to organize so many things. Bleargh.Cos a certain type of uneasiness just overwhelms me (by default) whenever I'm not in school. This really feels like a 6MC module.
4) And I also realised that I have many many things in pink!
And that the pink packet on the extreme left of the picture was manufactured in Germany! And like true Germans, the gummibears in this packet were really gummi-pigs! Whose brilliant idea was that?!
And being the easily distracted person that I am, I actually took a picture. Of the pig.

There the gummi pig and a distorted gummi pig. Cos I don't like them. Actually ah, it kinda looks like a rat, eh?
Whatever. STUDY, WOMAN.
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