PS: Anyway with regards to the UBS Young Women Leadership Connection thing I mentioned in the previous entry, I received an email 3 days ago, which included an application form for those interested in the mentorship program, so YEAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!! Turns out that email was sent to everyone I think. The only reason I can come up with to explain that, is that everyone of us did a great deal of question-asking so it was probably hard to keep track of who asked what, and so they offered it to everyone! Just hope my application gets approved! :D
Monday, December 15, 2008
PS: Anyway with regards to the UBS Young Women Leadership Connection thing I mentioned in the previous entry, I received an email 3 days ago, which included an application form for those interested in the mentorship program, so YEAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!! Turns out that email was sent to everyone I think. The only reason I can come up with to explain that, is that everyone of us did a great deal of question-asking so it was probably hard to keep track of who asked what, and so they offered it to everyone! Just hope my application gets approved! :D
Thursday, December 11, 2008
So I went, a tad late,but not to worry, still in time for the mini reception before the dialogue. Was chit-chatting with a few girls when two of the Guests of honour ambled towards this small group of ours to mingle (read: make small talk AND assess us), cos know it or not, this whole dialogue thing was aimed at choosing a good 15 candidates (out of the 60) for a 3 mth- 1 yr long period of personal mentorship, probably by some minister or something. And I won't be discreet about this, OF COURSE I was vying for a spot in that mentorship program, not just cos the very idea of having a mentor is such a novelty, but really because I believed this could be a milestone of a stepping stone in helping me reach my leadership potential through the greater opportunities that one can associate with such networking groups. But I was perhaps one of the most dim-witted, un-interesting, shy and unconfident person of that evening, cos even with 2 reputable high-flyers in my midst, I was perhaps as interesting as the wallpaper in the room. OK, maybe a little more credit. As participative as those battery operated dolls whose scope of abilities extends little beyond, "ha ha ha, that's true, *nod, smile* ha ha ha". SHEESH.
Before I had any longer to rev up my wits and participate more, time was up, and we had to pile into the room for the dialogue. Mentally cursing my lack of social networking skills, I made my way into the room with a smile to mask that dissatisfaction.
But, the two speeches I heard that night were moving in their own right and brimmed with wisdom that made me realise so much. The two gest speakers, Ms. Grace, a State minister for Education (and something else) and Mrs Fang, the CEO of Great Eastern, if anything were truly inspirational. Mrs Fang. for one was one of the few speakers I've come across who had no qualms sharing really personal experiences that made her speech both fully enriching and sincere. I left that night, believing that although somethings won't go as you planned, you ought to hold your head up high, for the next opportunity that comes your way, and be the one person with unwavering faith for your self. It was a beautiful night, and although I may not get to the next round of this program, with this newly enforced self-belief and faith, I am certain that I will get far in life, Inshaallah. Bring it on!
Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Feeling good
Monday, December 1, 2008
Saturday, November 29, 2008
I was on yahoo (my only source of news these days), and I was reading about Lo Hwei Yan, the Singaporean lady who was taken hostage by the cursed terrorists and killed. She was 28, a lawyer, and newly married. One link led to another, and I actually came across her friendster profile and saw photos of her wedding, her husband, her friends, her life. A life that was precious to her, precious to her family, her husband and friends, but a life robbed away mercilessly nonetheless by the heartless (insert any expletive here) militants. I feel so much pain, and I can only begin to imagine the pain her family must be undergoing at this very moment. Seriously, curse all terrorists. A plague on all your sects and groups. Fuck, life is so freaking unfair. :(
My last paper will be on Monday, My SS paper, thats Singapore Studies btw.. the one about Singapore and India.. I will miss that class, for reasons I shall not say on a PUBLIC blog. Haha, and it was a good experience lah, nevermind all that drama from the fellow yindians. =)
Then tuesday, off to some meeting, wed will the hangout with the girls.. the rest of the week is pretty much settled. Tomorrow though I wanna runnnnnnnn, hope kai doesn't bail on me this time! Okay that's that. I should get some sleep. Take care peeps. OMG, I just realised not a single line in this post talked about what's happening ard the world today. the Mumbai attacks! The Bangkok airports' siege! Its history in teh making, a sad, dark period sadly..My goodness, and the recent news that a Singaporean lawyer aged 28 was killed in the Mumbai terror attacks. THAT sucks so much! My heart goes out to her husband, seriously. Sigh, this brings the whole issue about the prevalence of terrorism and how we need to limit its influence, but one can't help but ask if all of this may have been averted, if the 'war on terror' did not occur. then again, we're talking about terrorists- individuals who are fanatically irrational. I just hope that the future does not culminate into a series of darker days. You know, I just had the weirdest feeling that, I could be harmed in Vietnam and that this entry may be read by those who hear about my death. Freaky. And then there's the Mumbai Tata Internship that I've been all hyped up about. Scary part is, the interns are placed in the Taj Hotels lah! Yup, the very one that was attacked. Okay, I'll leave it to Allah, life is uncertain anyway, and like my grandpa said, "There's no difference between the lavatory and the cemetery, when you have to go, you have to go". :)
BUT, if I do go, (go as in really GO lah), whoever you are who's reading this post, I hope I've never hurt you in anyway, but if I did, intentionally or not, pls, out of the goodness of your heart, forgive me. Thanks. This is such a creepy entry. I SHOULD sleep. Goodnight, or rather morning! =)
Monday, November 24, 2008
This is for my grandpa...
Did you ever know that you're my hero,
And everything i would like to be?
I can fly higher than an eagle,
For you are the wind beneath my wings.
It might have appeared to go unnoticed,
But i've got it all here in my heart.
I want you to know i know the truth, of course i know it.
I would be nothing without you.
Did you ever know that you're my hero?
You're everything i wish i could be.
I could fly higher than an eagle,
For you are the wind beneath my wings.
Did i ever tell you you're my hero?
You're everything, everything i wish i could be.
Oh, and i,
i could fly higher than an eagle,
For you are the wind beneath my wings,
'cause you are the wind beneath my wings.
Oh, the wind beneath my wings.
Thank you, thank you,Thank god for you, the wind beneath my wings.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Anyway, Iraq has just signed a 23 year contract with CHina Petroleum and some other Chinese company which calls for the Chinese counterparts to increase the productivity of the IRaqi oil industry, and I applaud the move. If you can't do it well on your own, get the experts in. National pride and chauvinism isn't going to do anyone good. Which is another reason why I'm against the US Fed's call to bail out the 3 big auto giants. It is obvious that they have been inefficient in their production methods which calls for one thing, massive structural change, not short term financing. Sell them out to Toyota if need be. If there is any hope of achieving efficient production methods and boosting their profitability, Toyota I believe would be the best candidate. They are in a league of their own with their superior management style, highly lean Kaizen led production system and highly empowered workforce. Sure, there's the issue of 'national pride',but face it, national pride isn't going to be able to salvage you ten, twenty years down the road when you realise that you cannot match up to your competitors. This is the challenge of the globalised world, you either match up to your competitors and try to surpass them in terms of performance, but if you can't, you learn from them. If need be, mergers or buyouts should be allowed. So, good on Iraq for signing the service agreement with China. Let's hope the American Federal reserves makes a wise decision.
Monday, November 17, 2008
WOW, it looks short though, thought it must have been 2 long paras already. SOMEBODY bring in the entertainment! :(
Saturday, September 27, 2008
K come, let me show you some photos to add zest to my otherwise rather dead blog. =)

Thinzar & Jan
Okay, the following 2 shots will look like as if we were randomly posing next to some gate, which is not what it really is. DUH. Hahaha, those guys in those glowing semi-neon jumpsuits are really the timers for the practice racing sessions. WHAT ONLY LAH WE ALL. Hahahaha. DUnno if you can see the track la, but it IS DAMNNN brightly lit, seriously.
Told ya, if I didn't already put things into context, this pic would seriously look like I'm posing next to some random prison, with two convicts (in orange jumpsuits) in the background. Sheesh. Haha. K, this last pic of Irene will probably be most telling lah, that yellow graphic image is supposed to be a racing car lah.
Haha, such random pics. Okay, how about Hyperjive ones! Yeayyyyyyyyyyy.
Like all beginnings, we start on a clean white slate. =)
But of course, it couldn't stay old boring white. So we relieved the secondary school days when overnight banners were just one of the many magic tricks we could whip in a flash. Of course,that can only be made possible if you've got the right kinda team. Here's us brainstorming on the design for the backdrop, hand-painted ya'll.
Here's Kendy putting some final touches on the gold 'trimming'.
End result!
The goodie bags. Make that CUSTOMISED GOODIE BAGS. MUAHAHA.
Lucky draw gifts! 6 out of the 10 were surprisingly won by my friends. I HAVE NO IDEA HOW COME!
Registration booth
And, ACTION!!!
Spot the guy. There were a FEW guys atleast okayy. Kudos to them for breaking the stereotype.
Yours truly.
Friday, August 8, 2008
PS: If I didn't already turn you off with that weird title, then cool. U must be intellectual.:) Btw, oily estrogen-like isoflavones have nothing to do with sexism la, then again, maybe they do.. hmm~)
Some recent headlines include (starting with the most attention-grabbing ones first): Soy reduces sperm count in Men. Okay, I will give a short summary on the findings. Soy contains isoflavones that act quite similarly to the estrogen hormone in females. So whilst it does help boost some physical activities in certain organs, it however, inhibits sperm production. That makes enough sense I suppose. It probably also means that all you male soy lovers, you're bound to be effeminate la. Okay, that last line was my own ridiculous (but come on!) derived conclusion.
Next: Oil prices have been declining, and fetched the lowest bid in the last 3 months at about 119.smtg dollars (US of cos). Economists have attributed this more to declining demand(!) factors rather than supply issues. I initially thought that was a good thing cos I mean hey, declining demand for oil has GOT to be good right? It just goes to show that we the consumers of the world have learnt to be thrifty and are starting to embark on more conservative lives (with lesser greed and needs, yadda yadda) but think again. Declining demand (especially that of the largest economy in teh World will have repercusions not just on the biggest economy of the world, but all that smaller dependant economies. Cos the US consumers contribute close to 67% of their GDP, and a decline in their consumption, will mean lower growth rates, which would mean lower import expenditure, which would mean lower income for countries like us (Yes,like us SIngapore) whose export income encompass 75% of our GDP. So, stop cringing or smirking everytime u hear about the other American ending up in debts. It is ironically their debts and ridiculously exorbitant lifestyles that keeps the world's economy floating ya'll. Okay, lets end this econs lecture. Next.
1 in 2 Singaporeans would accept a female President and 80% would accept a female Cabinet Minister. As I re-read this last sentence I just typed, I surprise myself really. Cos at the first glance, I am appalled that ONLY 1 in 2 (50%) would accept a female President. Then again, it is hard to imagine a female President, not so much because I doubt any female's abilities, but somehow the President figure has always undertaken the 'grandfatherly' image, so much so its just weird imagining a female President. So much for thinking I am a feminist. But its not so much sexism lah, (though the undercurrents of it may have close relation to that), its more of custom and what we're used to. Like imagine if it was the reverse, and that we've always had a female President instead, then the survey question would read quite differently of course, surveyng on people's receptiveness towards a male president. The other statistic, the 80% one is something I am in agreement with, even slightly saddened by. Why only 80%. Female Ministers will, I believe be amazing, especially so because given that its so rare, they're bound to be outstandingly good even before they can be considered. So, its still a sexist world. Not as much as it used to be of course, but still sexist. Yes, the last sentences were as usual my input to the matter.
Just in case you're wondering, all these headlines were those featured on It has filled the void of my otherwise outdated and World-unaware self. Though I find many of them a tad too influenced by the writer's subjective views. Un-avoidable though. Every piece of reported news is bound to reflect some-kind of opinion of the writer, unless its some financial stock market's statistical report I suppose. Then again even those type of reports involve a certain degree of analysis and interpretation which boils down to the writer's perspective, knowledge and experience. I guess when its too obvious that the writer is subjective, that's when the credibility of the article is questionable.
Thursday, July 31, 2008
1) Juz's surprise party at Kallang Macs (which was hilarious especially when we had to squeeze our large over-sized asses into those tiny coloured chairs, its a wonder they didn' break, heh)
2)Pish's 19th birthday at Sedap Corner (its this coolio, fantastica new restaurant at Simpang Bedok that boasts a cosy & classy ambience, n serves amazing hotel-worthy dishes).
3)My LAST day as an intern at Euromonitor International! =) Bitter-sweet feelings.
OH NO, I can leave now. sorry guys, wait for the photos, they'll be in the next entry! tata~=)
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Hi guys, its been awhile, hasn't it? K I'm in school now for the Matric Fair, alone at the Aerobics booth, and its getting boringgggg. So I've decided to blog. There are no hot guys around today, seriously. I mean atleast if there were eye candy, it would help speed things up, no? Haha, BIMBO seh. No la, I just want ppl to BUYYYYYYY the Hyperjive tickets. Think I'll take Riyaz's idea aboput the 'Spin the wheel' thing at the next registration booth. Like Spin the wheel with every purchase of a Hyperjive ticket and stand to win goodies!! Like maybe cheapo biscuits or smtg. Hahaha. Anyway, I just got a call from my long pregnant cousin (who is a year younger than me btw) that she just GAVE BIRTH! Subhahanallah! Alhamdulillah! I'm an AUNTIE AGAIN! Haha. But she said the baby's still in the ICU, cos apparently she gave birth at home, (goodness that must have been one heck of an experience) and I think the baby was left out for a bit too long, and so she was a bit cold. Sigh, hope she feels better soon.
Wow, the second great-grandchild of the family and its a SHE too! :) Yeay! But I like baby boys too. They're cuteee, and they're apparently easier to clean la. Okay, I shall not continue making them sound like they're some 'things'. Okay, honestly though, I can't wait to have my own babies. Imagine having these little things squirming in your arms, looking up at you for the first time, not knowing what you are (probably), but still looking all the same. Someone you can hold, love, whose life you have a huge potential in shaping, whose values and principles you will influence. Cool stuff la. I just hope that my babies aren't the whiny, cry for every reason sort. :) Okay, enough about babies.
On a sadder note though, Ganga just passed away yesterday due to some chest infection. She's one half of the pair of Nepalese siamese twins who were conjoined at their heads and had their operation successfully done here in Singapore. Sigh, well atleast she had the last 7 years of her life living independently, separated from her twin, Jamuna. Sometimes though, it makes you wonder if messing around with what Allah has created will create repercusions, maybe not immediately, but a year, 2 years, maybe 7 years later? Like take a look at the other famous pair of Siamese twins, the Iranian siamese twins, Laleh and Ladan Bijani. They were doing fine till 20 plus, when they decided to take a risk at having the operation done. But seriously, who wouldn't want to? Imagine having to live your entire life not just having to follow your other half around, but having your dreams restricted, having to compromise every other time cos it has never been just about you, what YOU want, what YOU think, your life becomes an endless compromise. My heart goes out to them honestly.But still given how rare the phenomenon of siamese twins is, (It has only a one in every 50 000 to a one in every 200,000 chance of happening), so its a miracle in many ways. Maybe, its best to just leave them as they are as God wished them to be, but like I said, no one can truly understand the kind of lives siamese twins must be living, and how fervently they must dream for independence.
BTW, there's this group of dancers in front of me here dancing, and i SWEAR they are super action bedek lah! Feel like showing them what hip hop is REALLY about. POSERS. k bitchy, i know.
Thursday, July 24, 2008

When?: 24th August 2008, 1:30pm-530pm
Where?: Multi-Purpose Sports Hall 1, SRC, NUS
How?: Register at our booth at a bench along the Central Library Walkway from 13th-15th August 2008, 10-6pm
Sunday, July 6, 2008
6th July 2008, 7:45pm, Qantas flight to Melbourne. "Gate 5 Closing". I was there to see that Qantas flight fly off. Was half wishing for a bollywood ending. But this is life, welcome to reality Khairah.What a feeling. Seriously. Damn :(
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Have you ever wondered what love is? How do you know you're in love? Is it when you keep thinking about that person all day long? When nothing else can excite you other than thoughts of that significant one? When words do no justice to the dreams and plans u have with him/her? How would you know for sure? I for one, truly lack a definitive answer. For when it comes to love, I suppose its the heart and not the mind that knows. I guess, you'll JUST know. But how?! Sheesh. Well.
Life's been alright lately, pretty routine-like. Work, some meet-ups, work, aerobics hyperjive, work, tuition, work. Yeah, u get the drift. Speaking of aerobics though, its been a good 2 years since I first joined the Comm! Its nearly as surprising as the fact that next sem will be the start of my 3rd year in NUS. Goodness gracious, don't we all age. But, I've got a better feeling about the modules I'll be taking next sem. Mostly marketing and management modules ya'll and that'll be greatttt, no more suckyyy mathsy stuff. wee.;) Well. Anyway, just in case ur wondering, that first part about love, is just something I was thinking about, it doesn't necessarily has to reflect anything that's happening in my life, so don't jump the wagon just yet.
Well, lets add some cute-sy Aerobics photos shall we? To commemorate my close to 2 years of servitude to the NUS Aerobics Club, to the many projects, and new fitness courses I've managed to introduce together with the team, to the vision we've all had, to the bonds and friendships forged, to the setbacks we've managed to overcome and to Hyperjive, which I earnestly pray and hope to be a success, Amin! Here are some photos of my comm members and I (not everyone's in the photos though, but close to everyone, so yeay. Its been great guys! Here's a toast to the upcoming comm (whom We've yet to elect), may they be blessed with the vision and passion! Wee! (this whole wee-ing thing HAS to stop. No thanks to SOMEBODY's influence. Hmm.)

Only 7 out of the 15

This is so OUT of character okayyy. HAHA.
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
This is totally overdue. But because I want to express my love for my dear frens n express how much I've missed .. here they are, photos of my surprise 21st birthday, which I was so totally unaware of and might I mention, UNPREPARED FOR. I mean, there I was, deprived of sleep for nearly 2 days, mentally exhausted, in my SLENGEST shoddiest, unglam outfit n SOME ppl had to plan my surprise birthday on exactly the same day.. Hahaha.. But of cos I love them all the same, thanks to those who waited, who came all the way to ulu pasir ris. Love u all. =)