F1 and life
Okay, its 530am on this saturday morning, and I just sahur-ed with grandma n my mum. And my mum's getting ready to go to work. I pity her really, like everytime I see her get ready to get to work so early in the morning only because she needs to support me and my grandma. Well, all that will end soon I hope, when I graduate and start working myself. Anyway, its been more than a month since my last entry, and I have no real reason to justify this MIA-ness besides the fact that I've been un-inspired to blog and well, crazy busy lahh. Just some snippets from my life in this past 1 mth ++ : Hyperjive!! Went well enough, Alhamdulillah! There were more than 100 participants atleast on a Sunday afternoon that wasn't the best of Sunday afternoons given that it was raining way heavily halfway. BUT, the majority of the participants stayed throughout and the feedback I got was definiteely heartening, so YEAY! The end of Hyperjive also marked the end of my term as Chairperson of the NUS Aerobics CLub, and boy am I relieved! NOt so much because it was tiring or what, but really because I needed to divert all my attention to my modules and the past whole yr as Chairperson did make me realise how sucky I can be when it comes to multi-tasking and juggling schoolwork and a CCA. But of course, my 'retirement' would only have been complete after finding good and credible successors, which I have been able to, Alhamdulillah! The candidates I interviewed were all very promising, some even vying for top positions such as Vice-chairperson, and that really does speak about their level of commitment I think. So Alhamdulillah for that too! And yes, the new Chairperson n Vice-chairpersons will be You you and Jia Min respectively, who were kind and passionate enough to take up the positions only cos they didn't want the CCA to be succeeded by total newbies. Bless their hearts. Haha, ok sooooo much of Aerobics lah. But that's that really since I'm retiringg.
So what else is new. Hmm F1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Louis Hamilton, Kimmi Raikonen, Felipe Massa! HOW! Met up with Thinzar, Irene and Jan yday for dinner at Swensens, Marina Square and we were lucky enough to actually get to see these hotties practise!! WAH LAO. I tell you the way the engines VROOOOMED, it'd totally win you over even if you were World's most ignorant and un-inspired person where F1 racing is concerned. But of cos they were practising in the practice cars lah, which means we didn't even get a glimpse of their helmets. Haha. But like I said, the exhilaration, the speed, the excitement, and the VROOOM, the echo it leaves, they all come together to give you this awesome experience lah. I WANT PASSES! SOMEBODY ANYBODY, GIVE THEM TO ME!
K come, let me show you some photos to add zest to my otherwise rather dead blog. =)
Irene and I
Thinzar & Jan
Okay, the following 2 shots will look like as if we were randomly posing next to some gate, which is not what it really is. DUH. Hahaha, those guys in those glowing semi-neon jumpsuits are really the timers for the practice racing sessions. WHAT ONLY LAH WE ALL. Hahahaha. DUnno if you can see the track la, but it IS DAMNNN brightly lit, seriously.

Told ya, if I didn't already put things into context, this pic would seriously look like I'm posing next to some random prison, with two convicts (in orange jumpsuits) in the background. Sheesh. Haha. K, this last pic of Irene will probably be most telling lah, that yellow graphic image is supposed to be a racing car lah.
Haha, such random pics. Okay, how about Hyperjive ones! Yeayyyyyyyyyyy.
Like all beginnings, we start on a clean white slate. =)

But of course, it couldn't stay old boring white. So we relieved the secondary school days when overnight banners were just one of the many magic tricks we could whip in a flash. Of course,that can only be made possible if you've got the right kinda team. Here's us brainstorming on the design for the backdrop, hand-painted ya'll.

Here's Kendy putting some final touches on the gold 'trimming'.

End result!
Why I'm so poser, I don't know.
The goodie bags. Make that CUSTOMISED GOODIE BAGS. MUAHAHA.

Lucky draw gifts! 6 out of the 10 were surprisingly won by my friends. I HAVE NO IDEA HOW COME!

Registration booth

And, ACTION!!!

Spot the guy. There were a FEW guys atleast okayy. Kudos to them for breaking the stereotype.
Yours truly.

Yes,I talk a lot. :S
Lucky draw time!!

Some of the darling frens of mine (from left: adibah, me, mairah n nadz) who made time to support me. Love them! Other sweethearts who came include Jan, Irene, Thinzar, Kai, Huda, Syaf, Fahna, Farahin and many others. Thanks darls, love u ppl to bits, really!
Last but not least, I bring to you, the Organizing committee of Hyperjive 08. A good proper shot now.
We're bringing sexy back, yeahhh.

Honestly, I think we were all mentally and physically shagged by the end of Hyperjive (u can look at my near zombified face for proof), but the post-Hyperjive vibes were high cos wallah, months of planning, excruciating organising and stressing finally came to an end, on a good note too.
I've definitely learnt a lot from this whole experience. Not just matters that concern the planning of events, but a lot about myself; my leadership style, the way I work, the strengths of my comm members and our weaknesses too. The funny moments when you have participants sms-ing to find out if they can still sign up for 'SUPERJIVE!' (like seriously, how did hyper become super?!) and the crazy moments when we'd start laughing over the silliest stuff like teh packing of goodie bags, acting like softball players while we were at it, tossing and catching the packets of tidbits. The whining and stressed faces when we had to LUG, drag and carry TONNES of magazines from ulu ang mo kio and kallang all the way back to school (ok so we did take a cab, but we still had to carry them back to the sports club room which was far enough to give us backaches. And then the carrying of hundreds of goodie bags to the sports hall. I swear I had mini biceps after all that carrying and dragging. Can't htink of any one word that would describe it, so I'd just go with the cliche, All in all, it was some experience! :)
But I'm glad its over! Till the next Hyperjive! tataa~
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