euromonitor and a story of love
alohaaaaaaaa! Boy have I eaten ALOT today. This morning I had a plate of my grandma's nasi goreng, then it was half of the giant cookie kai got for me (more on that later) and I've just returned from lunch, with partially digested tahu goreng and a banana (no less) frolicking somewhere in my guts. Yes, I'm FULL. And I dunno if you experience the same phenomenon, but everytime I over-eat, my left shoulder starts aching, for some odd reason, and thats the norm after every buffet session, after every lets-go-crazy-who-needs-a-diet-pig-out-session. this time though, its the left side of my neck's that aching weirdly. Its probably my low metabolism coupled with the excessive eating thats causing all these aches. Sheesh, I think I need to exercise. Like seriously! Well, will see what I can do tomorrow.
Anyway, the past few days have been good. Minus the fact that I've only had 3 hours++ of sleep last night this morning. Good because I spent time with my lovelies, adibah, n susu n had fun with my fellow interns. Shoutout to Irene though (who's not at work today cos she's down with fever. Sushi misses you!)
OMG, I think I just lost my blogging 'mojo'. DOn't ask me what mojo means, its a term Naz coined in. Haha, I suppose it means the 'drive' or 'urge' to blog la, but you must have guessed that already.OKAY, I shall just post photos okay? SInce its been eeons since I last posted some. Anyway, I was just reading some of my past entries especially the ones of my grandpa, and I realise I miss him so. I also realise that I've grown up a bit more, like mellowed down a bit more, an apparent change from my usual chirpy self. I dunno if you've noticed it though but its really obvious to me. SIgh. Life. K, photos.
First up, of my Internship at Euromonitor
Yours Truly at my desk:)
Irene; my fellow 'cubicle' mate ;)
Thinzar; the NEXT-cubicle intern :)
Us 3. My internship rocks la with these 2 babes.
This is my half of the cubicle. My workstation. HAHA
Thought you were seeing double? Nope, Irene and I got the same Charles n Keith bag ;) AT A CRAZILY discounted price too. I loveee pre-renovation sales.
Next of, I met adibah. Wah, we definitely took the term 'lepak' seriously. First we lepak-ed at KFC, then off to the Cathay, and then to the STarbucks at the Cathay, which has an amazing lepak corner outside by the way.
I love the lights outside Cathay, they have an uncanny resemblance for sweets and lollipops, don't you think?
And this just reminds me of Batman, for some reason.
Adibah is going to slaughter, grill, skewer, pound, punch, kick, chop, hang, bang (ok bang sounds so wrong) ME if she sees this on my blog.
No need for comments, thank you very much.
Our beautiful sexy feet.
I love love love Adibah. :)
Okay, remember I said I'd tell you about the giant cookie thing that I ate today? Well the story dates a couple of days ago, refer to my previous entry, the day Kai INSISTED on passing me something. Well, turns out it was a cookie. And when Kai told me (over the phone) that it was JUST a cookie, of course I imagined the SMALL bite sized one, or you know those they put on a stick with the 'paste-on' paper message on it? Yeah, so I thought THAT was the kind of cookie Kai was referring to. BUT TURNS OUT, it was a GIANT ONE LAH. Just look at the box.
K dunno if you can tell, how huge it is, but it was HUGE lah. hahaha. K this should give you a better idea.
And now, its finito. Gone, not with the wind, but into my belly. WEE. But to that wonderful sweetheart who got me this, THANKS=)
Oh, and what does 'dostet darum' mean? For me to know, and for you to find out. Hehe.