Thursday, May 20, 2010

FLEAFLYFLO HUM Riyaz's car got fire?!

Hi, today I slept in till late and woke up only at about 1plus pm. Then, I showered and ate my grandma's wonderful suryanam curry and black pepper beef & potatoes. My aunt and I then headed to the Geylang East Clinic for my grandma's health checkup and to get her medication. Then we headed to Geylang Serai to eat at Hajjah Maimunah and buy groceries. Riyaz's car caught fire and is beyond repair. Poor guy is so sad, wish I could help him out in some way. He really worked very hard to buy that car. Well, hope he gets a new one soon cos he needs it for work. ok I'm rather incoherent right now, got a few things to settle. Like:
1) Who to ask to sell stuff at the fleaflyflo flea market this sat
2) send email out to mentors
3) type out mins of mtg for RC
4) buy air ticket for australia trip
5) plan australia trip
6) start applying for jobs
7) etc etc etc

I need to resume my yoga classes! I shall try to go for one tmr, Inshaallah! (Shall sleep by 130am, I SHALL!)
ok toodlesss!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Don't blame Saatchi & Saatchi for an inevitable outcome

I think its hilarious that ad agencies are blamed or praised for the outcome of political campaigns. In fact, imho, I think advertising plays only a small role in the success of many campaigns or sales even. Take the Birtish elections for instance, Saatchi & Saatchi has been blamed for Gordon Brown's loss in the elections. Ok seriously, did he think he'd win again? After all those scandals? I doubt it really. After 13 years of Labour rule, it clearly seemed that public sentiment was rooting for change. ("change' seems to be the magic word in world politics today huh). So yes, my point is, no even a brilliant ad/marketing campaign can save you when you can't deliver.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Tired, hyper, falling sick but happy

Hi there! Its 4:53am and yet I'm feeling a bit hyper. Its obvious my sleeping clock is screwed up. Think the 2 panadol-Extras I just took are already working. (feeling a flu coming my way, and gosh, I DON'T WANNA FALL SICK.)

Went to Auntie Maleha's newborn grandson's ceremony today. Then to Bubu's house and finally to Bakar Nana's house. Ate tons of oily food (nasi briyani, soft drinks, PANDAN O-TEA (pish, remember this? haha) curry puffs, sugee cake,murtabak and more. No wonder I'm falling sick.

Ok, got a busy day ahead tmr/later. Gotta post some letters, head for more action-packed classes at true Yoga (this is my ideal plan la but we'll see.) then meet Angela for site recce at Hyflux and finally go for MPS to catch up with my beloved mentor. You know, sometimes I wonder why I'm doing all these things at this young tender (23-tender or not?) age, and whether its all worth it and then I realise that hell yeah, I'd rather be busy and try to fully maximize every minute of my life doing smtg fulfilling than be a free slacker with too much time on her hands. Hmm. But yes la, trade offs will always exist, but still, on an overall, I'm happy where I'm at at this point in my life, so Alhamdulillah. Ok, I shall go try to salvage and 'repair' that screwed up sleeping clock right now.

PS: I have a Her world photoshoot on tuesday and its eggcitingg! :) more updates soon.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

I'll fly you to the moon and back

I'm sticky wicky. I wanna bathe. I'm excited for the Aussie-NZ trip but at the same time a bit anxious. Hmm. I really wish I was much richer. Then I could easily afford a trip to Europe and the US too or smtg. Sigh, someday, Inshaallah. :)

Yes, such an incoherent post I know. But still. I'm uploading my bday pics on fb as we speak. You know sometimes I think, fb is sucha complete waste of time, especially when you devote time to checking for updates or constantly updating stuff there (posts, pics, comments,etc). Then again, it definitely is a way to exchange views and enhance one's knowledge about the world. Like last wk, I found out (through FB) that Botak Jones has a halal outlet at Simpang Bedok! See, these kinda things make FB a worthy investment of one's time. And yes, I would very much like to go to Simpang Bedok's Botak Jones soon! :) I WILL!

Anyway, just because my mind's in disarray (that rhymes babay! ok ok I shall stop): I wanna share a quote I came across sometime ago: "Intelligence is no guarantee of wisdom". And I agree.The wisest people may not necessarily be the smartest but they probably have a better world-sense and more experience that will aid in decision-making processes. Hmm, just food for thought.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

My feet are sore, walked way too much yesterday and today. Had my first 2 classes at True Yoga yesterday, they were the night dance classes at Ocean Towers and they were really fun! I have to admit being a complete lost sheep during the first class, jumping right when everyone would turn left, kicking to the side when everyone would sashay, yes you get the picture, I was LOST. Everyone else seemed to know the dance routines so well, its as if they've got it detailed at the back of their hands! The instructor would play a new song, and automatically like robots, they'd shake, move in such a synchronised fashion that it was both fascinating and humorous to watch. The instructor came up to me too to tell me its ok if I was lost this time round but that in time, I too will pick it up, so yes you can imagine how much I must have stood out. haha.

Ok, so then, today, went to this wedding in Tampines. Then had to rush to try to make it to the OCBC bank in Ion Orchard which apparently closes at 7pm from Mon-Sat. AND I MISSED IT BY 5 FREAKING MINUTES LAH. SUCKS OR WAD. :(( Haiz, sucks.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

I just read someone's blog, and sadly I was referred to as that "fellow" in a most hateful way. I was tempted to msg her, to say that I know nothing I say will make her feel better but that I still do hope that she will be ok and that I am here if she needs me. But I realise, nvm la. Nothing I say will help. Maybe its best that she hates me, as long as she can be happy. I think teh best is just to stay quiet and pray for her from behind the scenes. Haiz. Its still sad btw, cos I don't deserve such hatred and vile curses against me. To be honest, I was re-reading my blog entries since I last broke up, and that entire year when I was neither here nor there with Kai, with my status with her totally unstable, nearly all my entries were hellish and depressing. Basically I transformed from this cheery happy go lucy person into a drary sad depressed girl, and I realise that I had paid my dues. Told Susu about it too, and I think its time I moved on. I'm glad I can. She ever cursed me, saying that she hopes I would someday feel what she felt, and gosh that hurt. Cos no matter how much you hate someone, I don't think you should curse that person. But its ok, I will tawakal to Allah, but I really believe that i paid my dues. If she wants to misunderstand, then so be it. I wish her well, still.