I'm sticky wicky. I wanna bathe. I'm excited for the Aussie-NZ trip but at the same time a bit anxious. Hmm. I really wish I was much richer. Then I could easily afford a trip to Europe and the US too or smtg. Sigh, someday, Inshaallah. :)
Yes, such an incoherent post I know. But still. I'm uploading my bday pics on fb as we speak. You know sometimes I think, fb is sucha complete waste of time, especially when you devote time to checking for updates or constantly updating stuff there (posts, pics, comments,etc). Then again, it definitely is a way to exchange views and enhance one's knowledge about the world. Like last wk, I found out (through FB) that Botak Jones has a halal outlet at Simpang Bedok! See, these kinda things make FB a worthy investment of one's time. And yes, I would very much like to go to Simpang Bedok's Botak Jones soon! :) I WILL!
Anyway, just because my mind's in disarray (that rhymes babay! ok ok I shall stop): I wanna share a quote I came across sometime ago: "Intelligence is no guarantee of wisdom". And I agree.The wisest people may not necessarily be the smartest but they probably have a better world-sense and more experience that will aid in decision-making processes. Hmm, just food for thought.
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