Its the 31st of July!
hello yello! Its been some time, hasn't it?
Just returned home. Did mentorship selections & matching process with Angela & DC earlier from like 11am to like 4pm. (Tho I was late la. :( )
So anw, I'm back from Australia, expedited my return because I received the invitation to McK's problem solving test for the Business Analyst post and seeing as to how that's my DREAM JOB, seriously, I HAD TO COME BACK. :)
Anyway, I loved Australia, especially Sydney. Its a beautiful city, with the best cross and mix of nature and the modern man-made structures typical of most modern cities (yes, the actual beautifl landscape and seas and bays not the contrived type of nature- like the planted trees type). It felt a lot like Singapore actually, except the weather was better (at times, a bit too cold, especially the strong winds) and the air was definitely so much fresher. Oh, but one thing's that far different is that driving in Sydney's city is CRAZY. I drove btw, which is really in my perspective, quite asking for it, but hey you know me, I love to try new things and I had to try driving in the city. :) But the roads are crazy, long windy, and curvy, one wrong turn and you can say hello to an extra 15 mins of driving before the next turn. Nothing like Singapore, but hey one cannot compare like that of cos, cos Singapore's much smaller anyway. T'was definitely a great experience. I loved it! Was amazed at the cool parking system (cool because its different from Singapore tho I wonder if its the most economically viable and cost effective way of managing the carpark spaces. There, after a certain period (say 8pm, 9pm or 10pm (depending on what the carpark boards at that specific area says). u can park for free. And before you try to justify that by saying that Sydney is much larger and can afford that, that's not true cos we're talking about the city here, which definitely means there's limited space. Maybe they should take a leaf from Singapore and build a multi-storey carpark or smtg. Yep, definitely should. Haha.
Anyhow, what I would miss most? The time spent there with some special people, of cos. :) Had fun, not so much because of the places I visited (tho that does count too, of cos) but more because of the company definitely.
Anyhow was looking at the photos there and this has got to be my most favourite photo:

Have many many other photos but too lazy la to upload all. Hope whoever you are, you're doing good too! Take care! Toodles for now!
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