Thursday, March 22, 2007

how sucky, i had a damn funny entry that i wanted to post, but could not due to the merciless, frustrating wireless connection that i had to depend on in school. bleargh, toopid.
anyway, i have this urge to blog. i need confirmation on smtg. its been bugging me alot lately. i dunno if u suffer from this same syndrome but does it kill u, or frustrate the hell out of u when someone isnt speaking properly? or typing weird sentences that make no apparent sense, cos either the tense isn't right, or words are just ordered in such a way it sounds weird? well, it certainly does frustrate me. the worst part is that when i experience this, when i hear someone saying something that doesnt make sense, i cannot, no matter how HARD i try, resist telling them of their mistake or just saying out loud the 'corrected' version just so it feels as if its been edited. which obviously is miscontrued immediately as an act of prissiness stemming from the "oh i'm so superior n thats why my english's better" complex. which is't the truth, no. heck no. my english ain't perfect(yes that was done to prove the point) but i'd never want to type or speak in improper english.

here's a sample from someone's blog i happened to chance upon,

"It does felt kind of embarrassing
Well it's definitely not the first time, but it does questions me.."

how can 'does' be next to a past tense verb? doesn't it bug the blogger? yes, how would it, when the blogger herself, thinks its right. ok, i'm being a tad too anal, perhaps. but if by any chance, this blogger i'm talking about like any other blogger who's guilty of the same reads this, don't take this personally. i just find it irritating, and yes that makes me want to correct it. that's all. no hard feelings?

But, do us all a favour, and go read some grammar book or something.

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