why we shouldn't hate
before i go on, let me warn u, this was written with the hope of inspiring others to stop hating- so yes, its bound to sound like some speech from the Save the world association( no,there is no such association, n yes u ought to understand what i mean if ur not too dense). So, if ur anti- peace, or u just love hating (because hatred for some warped reason makes u feel like ur a better person), don't read this.
i can't think of a start that's not too cliche, so i'll just get to the point. it should be clearly apparent that there is so much pain today, be it in the global, local or individual context, of different kinds too-emotional,physical,mental, whatever type u can think of. which is why, i for one think that YOU yes YOU, should stop hating. what do u get really? I have friends who sadly, hate for the slightest insignificant or inconsequential reason.
some HATE ppl who dress a certain way, some HATE those who talk too loud, some HATE ppl who're too negative, some even HATE those who are too positive. why? why hate anyway? hatred is too strong a feeling, too intense an emotion, full of vehemence and bitterness, utter resentment.
so, u totally resent, absolutely abhor n completely loathe a person who dresses a certain way or because he talks too fast or because she happens to be too loud? isn't that a tad too intense? if everyone were like you, and starts HATING everybody else for totally inconsequential things like the way he /she dresses, then, oh my, i think this place would be a sad sad angsty place. (sadder than the one we're living in today, if thats imaginable)
so yes, we have got enough problems already, without having u add on to them. a little positivism won't hurt, it'd certainly remove u of that emotional baggage that's bogging u down. stop complaining, n start thinking, wake up because the world does not revolve around you. does it feel good to vent that pent up frustration towards a certain someone or a certain group? no one's asking u to love or embrace something u dislike, but to hate? i think u've got issues.
i'm tempted at this point to say something like ' i hate these people" but then i'd be no different. and i don't hate these people, especially not those who happen to be my friends. and in many ways, i don't blame them. i think the hatred of something, and the expression of one's hatred is generally welcomed as a sign of an opinionated mind, one that is brave enough to declare one's immense disapproval of something/someone so that it really distinguishes you from that something/someone ur discriminating. the whole need to feel superior which is really an outcome of feeling inferior.
u've probably figured that i'm really big on this whole inferiority/superiority complex thing.(points to first blog entry) probably because i suffer from the same. but atleast i'm reflecting. lets stop hating, its not doing us any good. go think about why u hate something/someone. you'd probably realise that ur the one who's having issues about urself. free yourself from hatred, its done enough harm already.
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