updates, updates..
ok, its been some time since i last blogged, but here, i'll tell u what i've been doing in the past few days..
Tuesday 24th apr
so i had the legal paper today, n realised that whatever Prof Tay promised turned out right- i) that whathever she promised WOULD come out, DID come out, AND ii) that we'd have insufficient time to finish it. you know, thats the suckiest thing, to know you could have aced a paper, but can't because you've got NO TIME. bleargh~ k the next day..
Wednesday 25th apr
ahh.. the day before my FNA paper. woke up n realised much to my dismay that it was half past twelve noon. n studied, FNA. wad else la right..
Thursday 26 apr
yes the much awaited financial acctg paper.this is getting boring eh. ranting bout papers. just one thing to say. acconting's NOT my cup of tea. NEXT.
Friday 27 apr
woke up late, pulled out all my formal looking shirts pants, got them ironed before i chose the black one. it was my LAW imterview at smu la. supposed to be there by 1115am, boarded a cab at 1105am. Thank God I live nearby. Stupid taxi driver dropped me off at the econs n social sciences building, despite my insistence that it was nowhere near the school of law. The campus is confusing la, n despite the whole open campus in the heart of the city concept, i still prefer NUS. anyway, waited for a whole hour or so before we even got to do the 15 min essay.(?!) what la right.. oh there were 5 qns to choose from, n nothing sat well with me besides the 4th qn which went smtg like this:
Task without passion is drudgery
Passion without work are just dreams
Work and passion mean happiness and success
Something along those lines lah. It was a one pager essay for me which was not bad considering how many others only had a quarter of the page filled(yeah i peeped). THEN, the nerve-wrecking interview. heard some nasty things about the interviewers like how they'd grill, steam and bake before deep-frying ur ass. And, i've got to admit the interview was pretty tough.Two interviewers, three interviewees. Asked things like whats the most fun thing we've done in the past 6 months. Which I stupidly claimed was my job at The Natural Source. The other interviewee talked about how he climbed what 6 mountains in 9 days n this other girl talked about how doing nothing has been the most fun thing. so yes, it got to a point where one of the interviewers asked me to assess him( like how I'd assess my customers). oh well,i dun think i'd get a call la, especially not when they're choosing a measley 90 from a good healthy 1096.
after that i actually went back to schhol to study for my managerial econs paper. studied till like 10 plus. kai drove to school with a packet of chicken rice for me at ard 9pm. Which was completely sweet of her. thank u so much!! what would i do without u. :) n she sent me home after that.
saturday 28th apr
i can't seem to remember what i did. :S oh yes! watched wild hogs with kai at PS. which is a MUST WATCH feel good kinda movie.Its got what all good movies should have- love, family, life, dreams n how we should always be driven by passion. And whats best, its guaranteed to crack u up, seriously! go catch it if u haven't already.:D
sunday 29th apr
sunday was food galore day. donuts, chocolate croissants, baby biscuits(yes,baby biscuits),fries,cheese sandwiches. having good food always means its a good day. my sleeping hours are totally messed up,didnt sleep for the whole of sat n on only slept from 10am-12noon sunday. before kai forced me to get out of bed n we drove down to parkway parade. did some shopping at giant. then headed down to east coast park.come lets view some photos..

1)me n kai
2)the beach at night
3)me posing with my,sorry, kai's car. :D
alright.. thats it for today. toodles.