today was quite a fun day, and no i dun have any new crushes or anything, but i chatted with two crazy girls about some of the hot guys we know. which was fun n crazy. haha, kiran and zahillah(hope i got her name spelt right). zahillah happens to be from tk so obviouslyy she knows who sushi is. haha, so we were talking about him n this other guy who she has liked for sucha long time. it was cute, cos in many ways we were re-living the delight, the fun, the embarrassment, the sadness of the many memories that involved them, which no doubt made jc life more fun.
oh n kiran has got an admirer. n he's either clearly not making any attempt to hide it, or he wants to make it obvious. first he was tailing her, n today he n a fren of his were chatting at the oddest place possible-the stairs, just inches away from where we were studying.. hahaha, damn funny lah. but atleast he didnt match up to the middle-aged, beer belly bearing image i first had when kiran told me there was a MBA student tailing her around school.i would encourage her to go ahead and get to know him even, if kiran is single, which sadly for him, she's not. so yes, poor guy, but i understand how u feel, been there done that.
makes me reminisce the things i did for that certain someone in mj. haha, bitter-sweet memories, but dunno lah, not meant to be i suppose. hope he gets that girl he likes, though personally i think he deserves better.
oh well, so much for crushes, i think kiran is damn cute, she wanted to give that guy the "all-knowing, sad, i totally understand your position but there's reali nothing i can do" kinda smile which when demonstrated, really looked like a cross between a retarded sloppy smile and a twisted pout(try imagining that). and i realise that school is so much fun with her around. we're constantly laughing and cracking jokes,(aha, i think i've uncovered th cause for that low CAP) but really, i can't imagine what school would be without her. boring,bleak and a prolonged sleeping session, i suppose. :D
here's a random pic of us-the two partners in crime

we were supposed to be bellydancing by the way. but pole dancing is way more exotic,don't you think?
she calls us the two hotties ;)
k la, headache's back, gotta start rushing my assignments now:/. night!
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