Donuts and Laksa
this morning after my only 2 hour lecture for the day, i had the greatest most indescribable craving for donuts, in particular for those from Donut Factory in raffles City. not that i've ever tried them before, but yes, the few hundred customers who patronize daily can't be wrong. so being the foodaholic that i am, i decided to pass on precious sleeping time to travel all the way down to raffles city, and buy some( one or two, maybe). thinking that obviously it being a weekday today, and barely 11am(yes 11AM!), that i would atleast manage to get some donuts this time. the last time i had one of these 'cravings' n went down to buy some, the queue was so long, i couldn't see the end of it. (for once, i really am not joking)
so yes, after the long trip down from clementi to city hall( all the while salivating at the thought of finally being able to taste the much afamed 'donut factory' donuts), i walked eagerly to the store(which is located at the basement by the way, in case ur interested), to my much unanticipated horror, there was a queue of a good 50 odd people, n the queue was so long that it extended two shops away to where Nike is. Wah lao, what are these people, doing queuing for donuts on a wednesday morning?! ok the same thing i wanted to do i suppose. but seriously, i was in such disbelief, i had to walk away and return as if, hoping that that queue I saw was but a figment of my imagination. anyhow, just to make my trip worth the travel time, i decided to join the queue(yes i DID :o). and i waited, and waited and WAITED.. for a good 15 mins before i gave up.
the queue wasn't moving lah, and upon reflection, i cannot believe i wanted to wait. according to fang wei, a fren of hers had to wait for a good 4 hours before it was her turn to order. 4 hours?! yes, i'm desperate to try their donuts, but to waste 4 hours of my life standing there being bogged down by a tonne of books n notes, n doing nothing but occasionally stealing glances at the REVERED 'Donut Factory' as if it is the food rations post in a war-torn region, is just beyond me.
in addition to that, why i really gave up on queing is because the people in front n behind me were all muttering their orders amongst themselves(as if to constantly remember the reason they're there), which ranged from two dozens(yes 24 donuts) to 48 donuts. which made my 1 or two donuts sound really pathetic in contrast.
after queuing in vain for that 15 mins, i went to Mrs. Fields and got myself the most chocolatey brownie ever- Rocky Road, which was heavenly( especially since it has marshmellows squashed in between layers of brownie and chocolate) AND two cheap donuts from the good ol' 7 eleven store near my house. which were good enough anyway.(ah, sour grapes).
needless to say, i've just about had enough of donuts, for the day. now i want laksa,the one from that halal chinese Tong Seng coffeeshop at bugis street, which i've resolved is going to be tomorrow's food expedition.
God bless food stall owners who decide to go halal, they make me so happy.
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