Disclaimer:This post was saved as a draft for some reason, and I'm finally doing it justice by posting it NOW, a good 5 days overdued.So yes, read this basi piece of news, if u dun mind. :)
started off thinking that i was going to have a surprise party(because of someone's fishy behaviour) :D. haha, which didn't exactly turn out THAT way, but it was nonetheless still very sweet. Went to East coast on the eve of my birthday and surprised with a whole chocolate cake!
We tried miserably and desperately to light the two candles on my cake, but alas, twas' in vain because of the strong wind and the lousy candles. Talking about two candles, these were the two TALL BIG type of candles, which means i'm 20. ALREADY. No, i don't need anymore reminders about how old that is. How does it feel to be 20? Well, old really. Anyway, we headed to Simpang to have supper after that. It was about midnight already, and that place was still bustling with food-lovers. Amazing business la, owner must be damn rich. I wanna have a F& B business someday too!
Anyway, I must say I am really overwhelmed by the number of people who bothered to wish me at 12 midnight, that was awfully sweet. It's almost as if you guys were counting down to my birthday! hehe. Especially the messages from overseas (though the time difference would really mean that your twelve midnight is my 2am, but yes, it was much appreciated!) :D And thanks to all the rest who remembered too! Love u guys!!
My eve of my birthday/midnight to wee hours of my birthday celebration was great, and I have only one person to thank. You know who you are, so thank you! I won't forget this, ever! :)
On the actual day of my birthday(yesterday), I started the day with visiting the house of this man who is undegoing kidney dialysis. Its part of this volunteer drive I signed up for where I on the behalf of MKAC(Muslim Kidney Action Association) will pay a visit to the homes of these kidney patients and do a general inquiry of their current situation so that proper aid can be offered, be it financial or emotional support. In other words, here's my virgin stint as a social worker. I was damn excited lah. Went with the other partner( Ajay) who was also assigned to this 'case'(i hate the word case, its so impersonal, almost like the objectification of people, but pardon the usage, for I lack the knowledge of a more appropriate word). Alas, all that excitement died when we realised that the guy wasn't home. So yes, I left a note and he called like the moment I got off the MRT. hahahaha. oh WELL. we'll revisit next wk. I must add that we chatted with this charming old lady who was the neighbour of this guy we were supposed to visit. Thank God she could speak malay, cos I was struggling so hard to put my limited mandarin vocab to use. Our conversation somehow developed into her thinking that I'm from the SPCA. hahaha, hilarious. I haven't mentioned this before, but i love the elderly, they're all somehow very cute. Think its the influence my grandparents have on me. =)
Speaking of grandparents, my real bday celebration was with my mum,grandparents and aunt. We went to the Swensens outlet at Crown Prince Hotel and it was reeaallyy crowded! It was nearing 10pm. Anyway, my grandparents happily ambled in and got themselves seats, *much to the displeasure of those queuing outside*. But really, my grandparents, cant stand or wait for very long, so we kind of explained to the manager about that, who was really nice and understanding. And so we beat the queue which was a great start! Ordered food, and soon started feasting. The staff were really helpful! The manager who helped us, Jay and this other assistant Manager from Philippines, Louie were in particular great help! They epitomised good service(you'll soon understand why). Okay, anyway so my aunt and I ordered the Firehouse, which, for the benefit of those who are clueless, really is ice cream with a candle on it, with loads of dry ice to create this 'smokey' effect. =) ANYWAY, so we ordered it, and Louie asked whose birthday it was, cos' apparently if it was your birthday, u could get it for free! yeayy, so $10.80 deducted from the already hefty bill! THEN, when we got the Firehouse, Jay came around asking whose birthday it was. So yes, we were just about to dig IN, when to my surprise we were surrounded by a whole group of 6-8 managers! All carrying balloons! What a surprise!:D I was asked to stand, and everyone of them sang in the loudest voice possible accomapnied by the background singers comprising the other fallow patrons. hahaha, damn funny, but it sure madre my day! Two thumbs and two big toes up for the EXCELLENT service! Especially since they had no qualms doing it despite being obviously busy. -By this time those queing were shooting daggers with their eyes.- 
Oh and I even got a balloon! So yeay, I had a great birthday! :D
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