hi, its a sunday but i must add, a rather uneventful one for me. Finally got around to visiting the kidney patient today, and it went really fast, only because his english-speaking daughter was there. I swear, if I were to ask all those questions in malay, it'd probably have dragged to two hours just trying to translate those english ones into malay n then rearranging them into a COHERENT manner. You should have seen their(the kidney patient n his wife's) faces the first few times I spoke in malay, they were blank and then contorted with confusion, so much so that kai n i couldn't help laughing, n kai had to apologise for my terrible terrible malay. but its not that bad wad, just very karat(rusty).
Yesterday was all good, met up with adilah and hung out at marina square. She's one of those ppl i can totally pour out my heart and bare my soul to, and not be grimaced at or misunderstood. I love her to bits. =) Girl, if u managed to catch that long blog add of mine somehow, n ur reading this, thank you for all, i promise to always be there for you, to the best of my ability.

it feels good to know that i have so many people i can count on, people who don't judge but who are willing to listen and understand. People who even if you don't always talk to, will continue to be there should u need them. People like susu,mairah,adilah,siti,nadz,kai and so many more. I love all of you, even if I don't always say that, and though I can't promise to always be the best fren for you, just know that I'm someone you can depend on, anytime.
Okay, a litte emo. But really, if ur equally blessed, never miss a day without reminding those u love how much they mean to you. Life is really too short to bear grudges, to hide your feelings, to have your love undeclared. Free youself of your inhibitions, and express your emotions. Count your blessings, and take time to appreciate them for all its worth. To all those reading, I wish you'd have a good life. A life you'd never once regret. =)
PS: to Fir, who's back from Taiwan, welcome home!!:D
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