Tuesday, June 5, 2007


I've been reading numerous blogs of late, and I've come to realise that many people can blog pretty well. By pretty well, i mean they're able to strike the balance between humour and thought provoking content. And thats not too bad, especially since its good, FREE(need I explain further) entertainment for bored KPO individuals like me. Well, beats wikipedia anytime, except of course if u've got a hedonist of a blogger or one who belongs on the other extreme of the scale- a pure Loser, with a capital L for emphasis whose self esteem had escaped to Never-never Land NEVER to return again.

I guess thats why blogging is intriguing, no, no, NOT because self-lovers and self-haters unhaltingly rant about how great or terrible they are, respectively but blogging is appealing because its where movies meet reality show ( though even the notion of reality shows being "real" is debatable, BUT yes lets leave that for ANOTHER day). Its where you and I as readers get a chance to 're-live' the memories of bloggers, share their experiences, bask in their pride and learn from their mistakes(yes, yes too much optimism perhaps). But really, its a learning platform, life preparation crash course and perspective assessment tool all rolled into one. From news of new flea markets and best shopping lobangs, to the who-did-what reporting, who says blogging is a complete waste of time?!

So, let us hail the newest and most interesting form of entertainment today, and of course, the pioneers who keep it alive! :D

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