There'll only be enough happiness if you have enough pain and sorrow
My goodness, it feels like eeons since I last blogged. This blog is nearly dead, 'nearly' because this is a new entry lah, but other than that, I guess it fits the criteria of being a dead blog already, haha. Hmm, I want to blog about every other thing that has happened, but there'll be no end, and because there are so many things, I don't exactly know where to start as well.
Okay, I shall keep it BRIEF.
3rd oct was my grandpa's 81st bday, and obviously this year's one had to be special, cos it could very well be the last one we celebrate for him. Had lessons till like 8 freaking pm. Kai was such an angel for fetching me from school and so we rushed over, and found that my place was crowded with my aunts and cousins and grandaunts and uncles (that was sucha weird order). It was a really nice gathering, with the compulsory video tribute-dedication thing adding a nice touch to the whole day( with me being the camera-woman cum interviewer(for lack of a better word) for the most part. Every grandchild and child had his or her own dedication and reflection for my grandpa, after watching the video yesterday, I think this video may very well be one of my family's most prized possessions. Displaying humour characteristic of everyone in the family( yes it runs in the family), my grandpa who donned a garland of orchid flowers, when asked why he was wearing it, said, "I'm running for PAP lah". :D He's so cute.
Okay, the all necessary photos.
6 of the 26 grandchildren my grandpa has (and his sister)
Okay that was my favourite photo of the night. And you know what, this photo actyally makes me sad, cos my grandpa's condition is really deteriorating. Everytime I see him, he's either wincing in pain or shifting about, only because no position is comfortable enough for him. Everytime he asks for someone to scratch his back or to help him get up, he would soon start crying and apologising for troubling us. Its so sad that he is still concerned with not troubling us even when he's in such pain. Its really painful, excruciating, whatever pain reflecting word exists, to experience this, but Allah will get my family and I through this and if there's any good in this, this trying period has congealed us as a family once again.
Okay see lah, I wanted to blog happy things and now I feel down again. I'll be going for the $88 tickets Linkin Park's concert with Juz since no one wants to accompany me for the $148 tickets. Okay I'm not exactly feeling very enthusiastic about it now, but hey, the excitement will come back. Its Linkin Park what!
I must go now, next week will be one shitty week- 3 tests Managerial accounting on tues, stats on thursday and german vocab test on friday, but I've had worst, so I shall just stay positive and do all I can to pull through, Inshaallah. At the top of my current to-do list is to stop blogging this instant, and continue with my studying, which I shall comply with NOW, haha, take care y'all, bye!
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