Friday, October 19, 2007

Trust me, I'm a girl.

Hi, I'm in the Mac near my house right now, here with Pish and we're studying. Well, fine, so I'm blogging, but atleast I did attempt some managerial accounting questions just now. Pish, on the other hand looks like she's concentrating fully on her work though, ah no, her phone just beeped, and she's replying back to what I assume (correctly) would be a SMS. I feel really bloated now, the unwanted and UN-NEEDED effect of just having wolfed down one of those UPSIZED student's fillet meal, a mere half an hour or so after eating half a packet of large fries. Ahh, no good, and soon I'm gonna feel breathless, feel the effect of my heart's aorta constricting and the pulse rate rocket to a sky high level, and then die of a heart attack. Yes well, so I shall just blog about my life and what's worth mentioning before I actually do die. Eh, this is scary, what if I actually do die after this entry, then maybe I'd be famous or smtg ( though whats the point in being famous after you die-REFER to the pavarotti entry), famous for having predicted my death, though I doubt it'd be the same cause of death as envisioned, but STILL. Woo, maybe some car will run me down or MAYBE whilst returning home, some guy decides to commit suicide and jump to his death only to land on me, and I suffer the brunt of the impact of his fall. Sheesh, such morbid thoughts, at such an early hour aren't exactly good. Oh great. My batt's like 32% filled now, and its depleting like crazy and some guy is hogging the powerpoint, well not exactly but he's definitely blocking my access to it.

Anyway today, the lifelong impression that I have of my two grandparents- that they're extremely funny, maybe even the World's most adorable and cute grandparents was somewhat affirmed today. See, I was wearing this Tee Shirt that said "Trust me, I'm a girl" and when my grandpa saw it, he read it out loud. Sticking true to his gentleman-self and obviously thinking that he owed my non-english educated but nonetheless exceptionally bright grandmother an explanation, he elaborated in Malay, "Oh, She's trying to say she's not a boy lah!" And I went on to say, in my most irritating but affectionate way, "See grandma, grandpa's smarter than you. He can read my tee-shirt." (YES, i know I sound so rude and irritating like that, but trust me, we're so close, we're comfortable enough to actually chide and kid with each other, so yeah don't misunderstand.) Hearing this, my grandmother being the all egoistical lady that she is, and wanting to prove me wrong, retorted, " Hey, I can read okay. and then she read out loud, with (I must add) perfect diction, " Trust me, I AM a girl". So yeah, instead of "I'm", she said "I am" but hey, that was good right! hahaha, and not needing an explanation, she went on to say, " But anyway, where's the need to state that ur a girl?! You have boobs what!" HAHAHAHAHA. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, that's my grandma for you, the all funny and CRUDE grandmother. She rocks la eh. :D

OH, there, me in that funny tee shirt. :D

HAHA, okay, this is weird but I can actually imagine myself, some days, months, maybe years, (who knows?) down the road, looking back and re-reading this entry, only to rekindle all those memories of my beloved grandparents. You know the thing with me is that, I can actually imagine the future, so much so that when it comes, it doesn't really evoke the effect and feelings it otherwise would and by right should, when it comes unexpected, and not foretold of. But then again, these "memories" I can only have, if I actually survive the cardiac arrest, the suicidal man, and the speeding car later on. Only time will tell. Check this same space tomorrow for news on the outcome. No news, you ought to know the outcome.

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