Friday, December 10, 2010


Hi, ok had some problem with blogger previously probably because of this blogger app that I dwlded for my phone. Couldn't save posts but had to publish new ones-> so I've deleted the app since n it's fine now.

anyway.. I wanted to blog cos I've been feeling a bit down. I don't think I've been using my time very effectively. Just now, I nagged n all when my grandma asked me to bring her down n buy the clothes poles together. 1) bcos I wanted to do work (settle ywlc stuff n apply fr more jobs) and 2) cos I didn't see the rush- like the thing with my grandma is that when she wants to do smtg, she'll just go all out n do it THEN. On her terms, her timing. So yeah a bit irritated. Then again, I realise that I shouldn't be so inflexible and should be a bit more understanding lah. After all, my grandma's right in a lot of ways- sometimes, there's no point procrastinating. Just go all out, finish it, settle, done. Why think so much, why wait so much, etc etc. But still, her insistence on doing things at her convenience is a tad irritating la but nvm la, just make her happy la. I should be a bit more accommodating too la. (anyway, to cut this story short, I did bring her down, wheeled her all the way to the shop, got the clothes poles n came back).

I do know that once my grandma is no longer around, I will pine and long for small moments like these so I should truly treasure these moments that I have with her now. And make her happy to the best of my abilities. Spend more time with her. Hmm.. it is on that note that I have kinda decided not to go ahead with my India trip la. India can wait, family comes first seriously. :) And I feel good about this decision.

Ok, now that I have cleared things off my chest.. I have got to get back to settling my unfinished business with ywlc. have a meeting in the evening. NO PROCRASTINATING!

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