Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Hi there..

It has been a while since I last really got inspired and blogged. Cos a lot of times, I'm haggled and bothered by so many pressing and urgent needs to do this or that.. so much so that it leaves very little space to be truly 'free' and inspired.. Now, it's slightly different.. I feel a bit more happy and relaxed. Mainly because I've graduated, and have finished one more test for this job I'm applying for, and even finished the few ywlc stuff I need to do.. so feel really free.. :) good feeling, hasn't been felt for some time now.

Another thing, I think I am very fortunate to e blessed with a supportive and highly motivating grandmother and a doting and unwavering mother. They are the pillars of my strength and I have a lot to be thankful for with them in my life. To be honest, I won't be able to achieve much without their constant support and love. Think about it, if I didn't have them, I wouldn't know how to support myself, not just financially (which is already the bulk of the problem) but also, 'operationally'. They take care of my meals, they quietly do this, that, for me, never asking for much in return, all investing in me for they have the belief that it will do me good and help me secure a bright future. they wish the world for me, they truly wish for my well being and success. Isn't that precious? To be truly loved without them ever asking for anything in return? I am very blessed, Alhamdulillah.

Just now, my grandma, my mum and I went to Uncle Ismail's house. Auntie Wahidah, his wife fetched us and drove us over. Uncle Mail (pronounced in the malay way and not the english way) is relatively rich. He lives in a large condo that should easily be worth more than $1mln, has been very successful in his career and very successful by most measures. Yet, in that car ride, as I sat next to my mum who told me how happy she was to have me with her, I realised that the richest ppl are those who have their loved ones close to them. those who have their families intact, who have their loved ones close to them and who love and support them unconditionally.. And I am already relatively rich in that aspect, Alhamdulillah. I hope I never forget this important realization. Of course, if I could have it all, and be both rich (in material terms) and in terms of relations and in love, that would be best.. But if I had to choose between the two, I think I would choose the latter anytime. Remember this Khairah. A good lesson from a beautiful day.

On an unrelated topic, I wish to talk of Uncle Mail. He's such a kind man.. We all prayed together in his house, with him as the Imam and he prayed for my late grandfather and for my success in my career and life too. A truly kind man. May Allah reward him for his kindness, Inshaallah. Good day all in all, worth missing MPS for this. :P k that's as inspired as I can get today.. Take care all u good ppl and always always put your family first, they're completely worth it.

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