Where there is love, there is hope.
I'm in the library once again, comforatbly settled down in one of those big yellow-green-red couches at the level of the library. My couch is the green one. Haha, so random. My mondays end really fast (at 12 noon! It starts at 10am btw. In fact because my stats lecturer pushes the 15 mins break to the end of the lecture,my monday ends at 1130am!) And I would have made my way home gleefully except that I've just been assigned to do aerobics duty today which starts at the ungodly hour of 5pm.
:( BUT I'm nice, and I've got to be a little more compromising lah now that I'm chairperson I suppose. Oh well, frankly I'm beginning to feel the weight of holding sucha post, there's alot of planning and coordination to do, and all this I've come to realise, even before I officially take over the post. I've planned the welcome tea but I dunno, response doesn't seem good so far. :S SO, all u NUS girls who think u wanna be in NUS Aerobics Subclub or even try out for the committee, come join us on the 24th AUG, Friday at MPSH2 from 4:30-6pm! Free food, free cardio aerobics workout and promised fun! =)
Okay enough of that, I've been having a severe migraine attack for the past two days, which has thankfully subsided today. The effect of much crying and undue stress. Haha, so much for being a stone-hearted person, eh. I've been crying at the slightest things. Like how when I was in the car with kai to visit my grandpa, and we were talking about my upcoming TP, and it caused the outpour of tears because I might never get the chance to drive him around. Or during tuition when Hidir mum loves blasting the radio with all those damn emo malay songs, and I start crying, okay tearing cos the tunes are so sad and they remind me of him, nevermind the fact that those songs speak of a very different kind of love.And I've not only been cryiing for my grandpa, but when I think of my grandma as well. Recently, when my family and I were at the hospital to visit my grandpa, my grandma said something like, "If you go first, make sure you call me. If I go first, I'll call you along". I mean why say that kinda things? Sad la siah. I mean in comparison to the bond I have with my grandpa, the bond I've forged with my garndma supercedes it by a long shot. She's like my soulmate, my hugs-mate, debate opponent, fantastic cook, friend, confidante all rolled into one. If I were ever to lose her, I really can't imagine how I'd deal with this blow.
Okay, enough of all these sad thoughts. Think positive.
Yesterday after Hi-Tea at Swissotel (which was damnn good btw, better than Straits Kitchen), my mum and I made our way to the hospital to visit my grandpa. We were at the City Hall train station when my mum walked onwards to this other MRT door, and I followed her of course. And lo and behold, guess who was there?! Sushi lah! Actually I saw sushi's fren first at first I though he looked alot like this Mj senior, (for anonymity's sake, i really shouldn't mention their names, but if ur close enough to me, you should know lah) and then suddenly I hear this all so familiar voice. My heart almost stopped, and I possibly risked ending up side by-side to my grandpa's bed, only, this time as a patient not visitor. Gosh, what a coincidence lah. All my life when I was in JC, and I'd NEVER get to see him anywhere else but in school, and NOW I see him everywhere. that's an exaggeration of course but nvm, its cool to see him around. :) Hehehe.
So yes it was damn awkward I think, I wished I could talk to him but mum was there lah, so very weird. Oh BUT my mother was asking me who that guy was, and when I told her who he is, she was like, "so he's that one?!" I almost fainted. My mum remembers him! I mean ok, so I DID tell her about him, but THAT was eons ago, and nothing too specific of course, just what a nice, mature and accomplished individual he is. And I was so excited to think that my mum actually remembers him that I barely saw them alighting at Dhoby Ghaut. Oh well.
My gorgeous mum at Swissotel
Okay, so anyway, my family has decided to revise our mindset when it concerns my grandfather's illness. Previously it was all tears, tears and more tears and getting my grandpa any food he wants, signifying our giving up of hope. Now, its the all new revamped, you-never know, and we can still fight midset! Yesterday I gave my grandpa this prep talk-military style(anyhow only this girl),
"Mr. Mohamed Ghouse, do u want to live?
A feeble "Yes"
No, that was too soft. If you want to live, you must fight! You must fight for me! Can you do that?
A slightly louder yes.
No, thats not enough. Your "yes" must be loud enough to ring in the ears of every patient in this ward. You can do it okay! You must not give up! You will only fail if you give up, so fight, and you will win! And we will all fight with you okaay! So many people have been given a few weeks to live, but they made it, cos they fought to live! And so must you! Because we still need you! Fight!"
"Yes!" (Okay so it wasn't exactly the loud, ringing yes I wanted, but given his condition, it was good enough lah ah.) hahaha, and I made him give me a high 5 a few times, until it was forceful enough.
You know I'm glad we've changed our perspective, because there really is nothing a mind cannot overcome, be it a problem, a fear or even terminal liver cancer. So let's pray that it pays off, Inshaallah. Even if it doesn't, I'll still be very proud of my fighter grandpa. :)
That wonderful man once again.
I'm in the library once again, comforatbly settled down in one of those big yellow-green-red couches at the level of the library. My couch is the green one. Haha, so random. My mondays end really fast (at 12 noon! It starts at 10am btw. In fact because my stats lecturer pushes the 15 mins break to the end of the lecture,my monday ends at 1130am!) And I would have made my way home gleefully except that I've just been assigned to do aerobics duty today which starts at the ungodly hour of 5pm.
:( BUT I'm nice, and I've got to be a little more compromising lah now that I'm chairperson I suppose. Oh well, frankly I'm beginning to feel the weight of holding sucha post, there's alot of planning and coordination to do, and all this I've come to realise, even before I officially take over the post. I've planned the welcome tea but I dunno, response doesn't seem good so far. :S SO, all u NUS girls who think u wanna be in NUS Aerobics Subclub or even try out for the committee, come join us on the 24th AUG, Friday at MPSH2 from 4:30-6pm! Free food, free cardio aerobics workout and promised fun! =)
Okay enough of that, I've been having a severe migraine attack for the past two days, which has thankfully subsided today. The effect of much crying and undue stress. Haha, so much for being a stone-hearted person, eh. I've been crying at the slightest things. Like how when I was in the car with kai to visit my grandpa, and we were talking about my upcoming TP, and it caused the outpour of tears because I might never get the chance to drive him around. Or during tuition when Hidir mum loves blasting the radio with all those damn emo malay songs, and I start crying, okay tearing cos the tunes are so sad and they remind me of him, nevermind the fact that those songs speak of a very different kind of love.And I've not only been cryiing for my grandpa, but when I think of my grandma as well. Recently, when my family and I were at the hospital to visit my grandpa, my grandma said something like, "If you go first, make sure you call me. If I go first, I'll call you along". I mean why say that kinda things? Sad la siah. I mean in comparison to the bond I have with my grandpa, the bond I've forged with my garndma supercedes it by a long shot. She's like my soulmate, my hugs-mate, debate opponent, fantastic cook, friend, confidante all rolled into one. If I were ever to lose her, I really can't imagine how I'd deal with this blow.
Okay, enough of all these sad thoughts. Think positive.
Yesterday after Hi-Tea at Swissotel (which was damnn good btw, better than Straits Kitchen), my mum and I made our way to the hospital to visit my grandpa. We were at the City Hall train station when my mum walked onwards to this other MRT door, and I followed her of course. And lo and behold, guess who was there?! Sushi lah! Actually I saw sushi's fren first at first I though he looked alot like this Mj senior, (for anonymity's sake, i really shouldn't mention their names, but if ur close enough to me, you should know lah) and then suddenly I hear this all so familiar voice. My heart almost stopped, and I possibly risked ending up side by-side to my grandpa's bed, only, this time as a patient not visitor. Gosh, what a coincidence lah. All my life when I was in JC, and I'd NEVER get to see him anywhere else but in school, and NOW I see him everywhere. that's an exaggeration of course but nvm, its cool to see him around. :) Hehehe.
So yes it was damn awkward I think, I wished I could talk to him but mum was there lah, so very weird. Oh BUT my mother was asking me who that guy was, and when I told her who he is, she was like, "so he's that one?!" I almost fainted. My mum remembers him! I mean ok, so I DID tell her about him, but THAT was eons ago, and nothing too specific of course, just what a nice, mature and accomplished individual he is. And I was so excited to think that my mum actually remembers him that I barely saw them alighting at Dhoby Ghaut. Oh well.

Okay, so anyway, my family has decided to revise our mindset when it concerns my grandfather's illness. Previously it was all tears, tears and more tears and getting my grandpa any food he wants, signifying our giving up of hope. Now, its the all new revamped, you-never know, and we can still fight midset! Yesterday I gave my grandpa this prep talk-military style(anyhow only this girl),
"Mr. Mohamed Ghouse, do u want to live?
A feeble "Yes"
No, that was too soft. If you want to live, you must fight! You must fight for me! Can you do that?
A slightly louder yes.
No, thats not enough. Your "yes" must be loud enough to ring in the ears of every patient in this ward. You can do it okay! You must not give up! You will only fail if you give up, so fight, and you will win! And we will all fight with you okaay! So many people have been given a few weeks to live, but they made it, cos they fought to live! And so must you! Because we still need you! Fight!"
"Yes!" (Okay so it wasn't exactly the loud, ringing yes I wanted, but given his condition, it was good enough lah ah.) hahaha, and I made him give me a high 5 a few times, until it was forceful enough.
You know I'm glad we've changed our perspective, because there really is nothing a mind cannot overcome, be it a problem, a fear or even terminal liver cancer. So let's pray that it pays off, Inshaallah. Even if it doesn't, I'll still be very proud of my fighter grandpa. :)

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