Friday, March 30, 2007

why we shouldn't hate
before i go on, let me warn u, this was written with the hope of inspiring others to stop hating- so yes, its bound to sound like some speech from the Save the world association( no,there is no such association, n yes u ought to understand what i mean if ur not too dense). So, if ur anti- peace, or u just love hating (because hatred for some warped reason makes u feel like ur a better person), don't read this.
i can't think of a start that's not too cliche, so i'll just get to the point. it should be clearly apparent that there is so much pain today, be it in the global, local or individual context, of different kinds too-emotional,physical,mental, whatever type u can think of. which is why, i for one think that YOU yes YOU, should stop hating. what do u get really? I have friends who sadly, hate for the slightest insignificant or inconsequential reason.
some HATE ppl who dress a certain way, some HATE those who talk too loud, some HATE ppl who're too negative, some even HATE those who are too positive. why? why hate anyway? hatred is too strong a feeling, too intense an emotion, full of vehemence and bitterness, utter resentment.
so, u totally resent, absolutely abhor n completely loathe a person who dresses a certain way or because he talks too fast or because she happens to be too loud? isn't that a tad too intense? if everyone were like you, and starts HATING everybody else for totally inconsequential things like the way he /she dresses, then, oh my, i think this place would be a sad sad angsty place. (sadder than the one we're living in today, if thats imaginable)
so yes, we have got enough problems already, without having u add on to them. a little positivism won't hurt, it'd certainly remove u of that emotional baggage that's bogging u down. stop complaining, n start thinking, wake up because the world does not revolve around you. does it feel good to vent that pent up frustration towards a certain someone or a certain group? no one's asking u to love or embrace something u dislike, but to hate? i think u've got issues.
i'm tempted at this point to say something like ' i hate these people" but then i'd be no different. and i don't hate these people, especially not those who happen to be my friends. and in many ways, i don't blame them. i think the hatred of something, and the expression of one's hatred is generally welcomed as a sign of an opinionated mind, one that is brave enough to declare one's immense disapproval of something/someone so that it really distinguishes you from that something/someone ur discriminating. the whole need to feel superior which is really an outcome of feeling inferior.
u've probably figured that i'm really big on this whole inferiority/superiority complex thing.(points to first blog entry) probably because i suffer from the same. but atleast i'm reflecting. lets stop hating, its not doing us any good. go think about why u hate something/someone. you'd probably realise that ur the one who's having issues about urself. free yourself from hatred, its done enough harm already.

i'm super lucky!

its unbelievable! i got a call earlier from this firm that goes by the name of Vanco, saying that I've been offered a summer internship. I'm so happy lah, no more worries bout job hunting n rejections because i don't speak or look like a certain group of ppl. and atleast i've got something to do during that three month break. The best part is, I didn't even apply for ANY internship! woo hoo, the business carreer services office career counsellors are certainly doing a great job. They have restored my faith in the NUS biz sch. hooray!

so yes, i've got to shop for a suit, anyone have any idea where i can get a decent looking ladies' pant suit that won't burn a hole in my pocket, say <$150? i'm thinking- a dark grey pant suit with black pin stripes. or something like that. oh but i must admit i'm a bit nervous too, since its an IT firm, sheesh. Kai(my personal IT guru) n Mr. Anand (my programming lecturer),i'm gonna need all the help i can get from u guys. so please do heed the warning.

so yeay! its a happy day, which is all the more happier cos i had chocolates-premium swiss dark chocolate too! i'm crazy about dark chocolates, they leave a lingering taste in ur mouth. n u dun get sick of it easily, unlike milk chocolate. thank goodness for family members who work in the airport's transit. they get a whole lot of things at a cheaper price.

chocolate galore

yess, thats about it. gonna blog abt the cjc band concert i attended last night later. now, i'm gonna have a cornetto royale. yeay.

Thursday, March 29, 2007

why i'm still happy at the end of the day

the 29th of march is always a special day for my family and i. this marks the day my favourite auntie was born ** years ago. why it's so special, is really because no one can fill the void or light up our days like she can. because she's one of those rare souls who seem to have it all- beauty,intelligence(albeit a little slow at times), humour(it runs in the family) and above all else, a beautiful heart. the one who cries when others cry, the one who beams when others smile. she is, (i say this without any hesitance whatsoever) THE most beautiful woman i know, the angel of our hearts.

So yes, today was like all other 29th of march days, a very special day. take a look at that special woman.

she makes growing old look so good

nothing beats the love of a family. i'm fortunate to have that. we aren't always happy, in fact our lives evoke so many emotions, we (the third generation offsprings) have dubbed our lives a soap opera. but i'm still grateful, because i'm certain that in any instance i need a shoulder to lie on, a place i can call home even when i've lost everything, i have got a family of my own. who will be there, and for whom i will be there for. they are the reason i smile at the end of every day, even that of the worst day.

my favourite photo of the day (mum's missing though)

Thursday, March 22, 2007

how sucky, i had a damn funny entry that i wanted to post, but could not due to the merciless, frustrating wireless connection that i had to depend on in school. bleargh, toopid.
anyway, i have this urge to blog. i need confirmation on smtg. its been bugging me alot lately. i dunno if u suffer from this same syndrome but does it kill u, or frustrate the hell out of u when someone isnt speaking properly? or typing weird sentences that make no apparent sense, cos either the tense isn't right, or words are just ordered in such a way it sounds weird? well, it certainly does frustrate me. the worst part is that when i experience this, when i hear someone saying something that doesnt make sense, i cannot, no matter how HARD i try, resist telling them of their mistake or just saying out loud the 'corrected' version just so it feels as if its been edited. which obviously is miscontrued immediately as an act of prissiness stemming from the "oh i'm so superior n thats why my english's better" complex. which is't the truth, no. heck no. my english ain't perfect(yes that was done to prove the point) but i'd never want to type or speak in improper english.

here's a sample from someone's blog i happened to chance upon,

"It does felt kind of embarrassing
Well it's definitely not the first time, but it does questions me.."

how can 'does' be next to a past tense verb? doesn't it bug the blogger? yes, how would it, when the blogger herself, thinks its right. ok, i'm being a tad too anal, perhaps. but if by any chance, this blogger i'm talking about like any other blogger who's guilty of the same reads this, don't take this personally. i just find it irritating, and yes that makes me want to correct it. that's all. no hard feelings?

But, do us all a favour, and go read some grammar book or something.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Blogging-where the urbanized, lonely ego seeks refuge.

Hello, this is officially my first blog entry( not counting the couple entries i had on Lifejournal which I don't count as being blog entries anyway, rather, journal entries). Anyhow, I'm not sure why I'm starting this blog, especially now, which happens to be the week I have an essay due, projects to start with and a TREMENDOUS amount of german homework (viele viele Hausaufgaben!), but I am, so this is one of those things which I can't really explain.
Anyhow, I think Ive been spurred on by the whoole hullabaloo over blogging and why ppl blog and the urge to share my thoughts over the whole issue is too great to ignore.

Why do ppl blog? To express their exhibitionist tendencies, to voice out suppressed feelings, to get attention, to feel self-fulfilled, or a tad too many do it to criticise others. I think many of us(i consider myself a blogger now. who cares if its just 1 pathetic entry) do it to catch the ttaention of others, to boost our ego and subconsciously do it to convince ourselves that 'yes, indeed we have a great life'. A life thats worth talking about anyway.

Heck, I think ALL bloggers are doing it for that reason. Yes, I'm no exception. Regardless of the primary intention- (exbitionism, discussion of ideas, expression, etc) admit it, a blog is meant to catch the attention of others. Simultaneously, written with the hope to impress the readers and sustain their attention long enough, so that we manage to convince ourselves that we are living a good life or that we are worthy of envy and attention. Blogging is driven by this/these motive(s).

A tool to salvage that self esteem, a tool to add meaning to an otherwise bleak life (which may not necessarily be so). It is where the urbanized, lonely ego seeks refuge. When I say lonely, i don't mean that you're one of those with little company or friends, but that even with friends and loved ones, there are some things you'd prefer to share with no one in particular, or everyone ( which qualifies as the "no one in particular" criterion since its not addressed to anyone specifically. I keep switching back to "you" as though I'm not guilty of the same. The natural attempt to deny doing something you'd rather not admit.

haha, what a weird first entry. Wouldn't be surprised if many have made a mental note to avoid reading my entries ever again. those who have read this whole entry though, do share your views. I'd be glad to know. And thanks, I know you probably had nothing better to do. :)

"You cram these words into mine ears against
The stomach of my sense."
The Tempest, William Shakespeare