Wednesday, July 30, 2008

boredom gets you a-bitching, no no I meant a-blogging

Hi guys, its been awhile, hasn't it? K I'm in school now for the Matric Fair, alone at the Aerobics booth, and its getting boringgggg. So I've decided to blog. There are no hot guys around today, seriously. I mean atleast if there were eye candy, it would help speed things up, no? Haha, BIMBO seh. No la, I just want ppl to BUYYYYYYY the Hyperjive tickets. Think I'll take Riyaz's idea aboput the 'Spin the wheel' thing at the next registration booth. Like Spin the wheel with every purchase of a Hyperjive ticket and stand to win goodies!! Like maybe cheapo biscuits or smtg. Hahaha. Anyway, I just got a call from my long pregnant cousin (who is a year younger than me btw) that she just GAVE BIRTH! Subhahanallah! Alhamdulillah! I'm an AUNTIE AGAIN! Haha. But she said the baby's still in the ICU, cos apparently she gave birth at home, (goodness that must have been one heck of an experience) and I think the baby was left out for a bit too long, and so she was a bit cold. Sigh, hope she feels better soon.

Wow, the second great-grandchild of the family and its a SHE too! :) Yeay! But I like baby boys too. They're cuteee, and they're apparently easier to clean la. Okay, I shall not continue making them sound like they're some 'things'. Okay, honestly though, I can't wait to have my own babies. Imagine having these little things squirming in your arms, looking up at you for the first time, not knowing what you are (probably), but still looking all the same. Someone you can hold, love, whose life you have a huge potential in shaping, whose values and principles you will influence. Cool stuff la. I just hope that my babies aren't the whiny, cry for every reason sort. :) Okay, enough about babies.

On a sadder note though, Ganga just passed away yesterday due to some chest infection. She's one half of the pair of Nepalese siamese twins who were conjoined at their heads and had their operation successfully done here in Singapore. Sigh, well atleast she had the last 7 years of her life living independently, separated from her twin, Jamuna. Sometimes though, it makes you wonder if messing around with what Allah has created will create repercusions, maybe not immediately, but a year, 2 years, maybe 7 years later? Like take a look at the other famous pair of Siamese twins, the Iranian siamese twins, Laleh and Ladan Bijani. They were doing fine till 20 plus, when they decided to take a risk at having the operation done. But seriously, who wouldn't want to? Imagine having to live your entire life not just having to follow your other half around, but having your dreams restricted, having to compromise every other time cos it has never been just about you, what YOU want, what YOU think, your life becomes an endless compromise. My heart goes out to them honestly.But still given how rare the phenomenon of siamese twins is, (It has only a one in every 50 000 to a one in every 200,000 chance of happening), so its a miracle in many ways. Maybe, its best to just leave them as they are as God wished them to be, but like I said, no one can truly understand the kind of lives siamese twins must be living, and how fervently they must dream for independence.

BTW, there's this group of dancers in front of me here dancing, and i SWEAR they are super action bedek lah! Feel like showing them what hip hop is REALLY about. POSERS. k bitchy, i know.

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