Thursday, October 11, 2007

I'm loving me.

You know when sometimes you feel this great urge to blog or ramble on about something, and then realise that when you actually start, that you've lost ur muse, ur inspiration, and the words just evade you. Then there are other times, when you have so much to say, cos you've experienced this epiphany thats so moving, you just HAVE to talk about it. Now will be a moment that belongs to the latter category, and I'm glad. Cos such epiphanies are precious, and life-changing in many ways. Cos you go through life, living pretty much a routine like cycle everyday, with a few unfortunate events, shocks, and surprises that leave you guessing, and then you have epiphanies of some kind that leave you changed in small, but no less distinct ways. And its great when that happens, cos I realise that when you have such epiphanies, life has really changed for you, that you have grown in quite a significant way to be able to realise soe truth that concerns you, cos this journey we call Life of which we're mere players, is really about finding your true self, and what is true for you, so these rare epiphanies, resemble the great leap of knowledge and acceptance of the truths in your life, simply put, the achievement of what Life had set you out to do.

My epiphany today may sound cliche, and perhaps all epiphanies are somewhat cliche in their own way for what you regard as an epiphanic moment in your life, must have been the same epiphany for someone else sometime ago, and may become that of another person tomorrow, so they're all cliche to some extent. Yet, the epiphany only becomes true when its yours to claim, when its yours to realise, and when its yours to uncover. So no matter how cliche or common it may seem, it can't be too similar, cos we're all unique individuals each with his own set of experiences, that are bound to shape your feelings towards these epiphanies and the effect they have on you.

I realised today that no matter how absorbed you can be in knowing about the lives of others, or how much they seem to mean to you, that nothing or no one can ever be as precious and important as yourself because you are yours to seek and cherish, and its an amazing feeling to know that you have yourself to rely on, to persevere with and to overcome the obstacles life hurls at you since nothing or no one could be more reliant and dependable than you yourself. This may seem like a sad realization, that may even pass as being selfish, but its a truth we should all accept, cos loving and taking care ofyourself must come first, before anything else. I have had trouble coming to terms with myself at times, because I am constantly striving to realise this much idealised ideal me, and because of this, I have been hard on myself, even to the extent of finding it hard to love myself, but this will change to the best of my abilities, for whilst its not wrong to want to be the best you can be, you won't be getting anywhere if you can't, first and foremost learn to love who you are.

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