Monday, June 11, 2007

To soar beyond the self imposed inhibitions.
It's odd that I never even talked about my CAP for this sem. Maybe I was just trying to brush thoughts of it away. I got 3.5 which I guess is an improvement from my near pathetic 3.25 last sem, but still not there u know? Its not like I'm being bloody ungrateful or just plain dissatisfied, but like Thomas Fuller once said(he's a historian by the way), "Good is not good when better is expected". So here I am left a little like how I was at the end of the first sem, feeling sad, unaccomplished, and regretful. But vowing with a more earnest desire to get that 3.75 or 4 next sem, Inshaallah.
I wish I had it easy like some who can just dream some huge impossible CAP(READ: >4.7) that screams "UNATTAINABLE" and still reach it by the end of the sem. Maybe they're just smart, smarter than I am anyway. But you know its strange how you know deep within that you can set out to achieve whatever you want, but somehow always fall short (okay except for during the A levels). And then you recover, and convince yourself once again that this time it'll be different, that this time you're getting it,whatever it is you've put your mind to achieving. Its some vicious cycle, but I'm gonna free myself from it this time. (there we go again.) ok, FOR REAL.
Watch this space, one sem later for my morale boosting, all new revamped CAP. 3.75 atleast. Inshaallah, Amin.. =)

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